Open PDF file, 31.89 KB,
Cigar Distributor Letter
(English, PDF 31.89 KB)
Please read: Notice to all current licensees regarding changes to the license renewal process starting August 1, 2018.
Open PDF file, 77.66 KB,
Form CT-CDL: Application for Distributor License for Cigars and Smoking Tobacco
(English, PDF 77.66 KB)
Open PDF file, 507.15 KB,
Form CT-CHL: Checklist for Distributor License for Cigars and Smoking Tobacco
(English, PDF 507.15 KB)
Open PDF file, 594.04 KB,
Form ENDS-CHL: Checklist for Distributor License for Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems
(English, PDF 594.04 KB)