Infectious disease case report forms

Case report forms for selected infectious diseases may be found below or may be found on Infectious Disease Case Report Forms (  The latter website contains links to the new online electronic reporting system.  As paper-based forms are converted to electronic forms, this page will be updated.

If you do not see a relevant form on either page, or if you have questions about how to report an infectious disease, please call (617) 983-6801.  If you encounter technical issues when submitting an electronic case report form, please email and

Table of Contents

E-cigarette/Vaping-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI)

Chancroid/LGV/Granuloma Inguinale/PID (Agent Unknown)


Paper case reports of Chlamydia are no longer required.


Breakthrough COVID-19 Cases Resulting in Hospitalization or Death are no longer required to be reported.

Gastrointestinal illness

Please follow the link below to report a known or suspected cluster of gastrointestinal illness in a healthcare setting.


Please follow the link below to submit a report of Gonorrhea.

Hepatitis B

Please follow the link below to submit a report of infants born to hepatitis B infected women or a report of pregnant women with laboratory evidence of hepatitis B infection.


Influenza/Respiratory Illness

Please follow the link below to report any known or suspected clusters of influenza or other respiratory illness in a facility.


Use this form to report congenital syphilis, neonatal herpes, or ophthalmia neonatorum.


Please follow the link below to submit a report of all stage syphilis infections.


Please follow the link below to report any positive test for TB (IGRA or TST) or to report any individual suspected of having acute pulmonary or extra-pulmonary TB.


Please follow the link below to report a case or varicella or any known or suspected clusters of varicella.  Note: Shingles cases do not need to be reported.

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