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- This page, Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session, is offered by
- Massachusetts Court System
- Housing Court
Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session
Details of Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session
Overview of Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session
Hours for Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session
Monday - Friday:
8:30 am-4:30 pm
Parking at Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session
There are two paid parking lots and one paid garage near the courthouse.
Public Transportation
You can get to the court on the Haverhill line of the MBTA. The closest station to the courthouse is the Lawrence Station stop, which is about 0.5 miles from the courthouse. You can also get to the court by bus through the Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority.
Services at Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session
- Get legal help at the courthouse from the lawyer for the day.
- eFile in the Housing Court.
Public Wi-Fi is available at this courthouse.
Accessibility at Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session
Please contact the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) coordinator below for more information about accessibility at this court location.
Cynthia Kappotis
Phone: (978) 689-7833
Email: cynthia.kappotis@jud.state.ma.us
Jurors Only
For help, please contact the Office of Jury Commissioner at 1-800-THE-JURY (843-5879) or JurorHelp@jud.state.ma.us.
TTY: 1 (800) 328-3202
More info for Northeast Housing Court - Lawrence Session
Judge's Lobby
Hon. Gustavo A. del Puerto, First Justice
Clerk's Office
Thomas F. Trilla, Acting Clerk-Magistrate
Housing Specialist Department
Elizabeth Delacruz, Chief Housing Specialist