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- This page, Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session, is offered by
- Housing Court
- Massachusetts Court System
Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session
Details of Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session
Overview of Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session
Hours for Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session
8:30 am-4:30 pm
Parking at Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session
There are metered lots, as well as paid parking garages available to the public.
Public Transportation
The court, located in Salem, is accessible by the Newburyport/Rockport line of the MBTA. The closest stop to the courthouse is Salem Station. The courthouse is also accessible by the following MBTA busses: Express Bus 450, Bus 451, Express Bus 455, Bus 456, Express Bus 459 and Bus 465.
Services at Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session
Getting legal help at the courthouse from lawyer for the day.
Accessibility at Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session
If you received documents from the Courts or a third party, please check the documents to find that office or department. Otherwise, contact the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator below.
Cynthia Kappotis
Phone: 978-689-7833
email: cynthia.kappotis@jud.state.ma.us
More info for Northeast Housing Court - Woburn Session
Judge's Lobby
Hon. Gustavo A. del Puerto, First Justice
Clerk's Office
Thomas F. Trilla, Acting Clerk-Magistrate
Housing Specialist Department
Elizabeth Delacruz, Chief Housing Specialist