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- This page, Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session, is offered by
- Massachusetts Court System
- Housing Court
Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session
Details of Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session
Overview of Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session
Hours for Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Parking at Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session
There is daily rate parking available at garages on Chelmsford St. and Middlesex St. and Thorndike/Gallagher St. (near the train station). There is some metered and non-metered on-street parking on the surrounding streets.
Parking is available at the Lower Locks municipal garage at 90 Warren Street to handle overflow. The Route 2 Belvidere bus stops close to this garage and the courthouse on its inbound trip. The outbound stop is a block up on Appleton Street.
Public Transportation
As of March 9, 2020, the Lowell Regional Transit Authority (LRTA) will add a bus stop to the Route 18 Downtown Shuttle. This additional stop on the outbound trip from the Gallagher Terminal will be located at the corner of Middlesex Street and the Lord Overpass across the street from the courthouse.
The shuttle will run every 15 minutes from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Gallagher Terminal is the hub for MBTA Commuter Rail and LRTA bus service throughout Lowell and surrounding communities. To return to the Gallagher Terminal, there is a bus stop on Middlesex and Canal Street. The courthouse is within walking distance of this terminal. The LRTA bus tracker site can be accessed here.
Services at Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session
Get legal help at the courthouse from lawyer for the day.
Public Wi-Fi is available at this courthouse.
Accessibility at Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session
Please contact the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) coordinator below for more information about accessibility at this court location.
Cynthia Kappotis
Phone: 978-689-7833
email: cynthia.kappotis@jud.state.ma.us
More info for Northeast Housing Court - Lowell Session
Judge's Lobby
Hon. Gustavo A. del Puerto, First Justice
Clerk's Office
Thomas F. Trilla, Acting Clerk-Magistrate
Housing Specialist Department
Elizabeth Delacruz, Chief Housing Specialist