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Blog Post  Celebrating Massachusetts Workers

  • Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
Celebrating Massachusetts Workers

Leading up to Labor Day, the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) celebrated Massachusetts workers on social media, highlighting programs that promote safe workplaces and equitable benefits.

Prior to January 2021, many Massachusetts workers did not have the ability to take leave for major life events such as welcoming a new child into their family, caring for their own serious illness or injury, caring for an ill or ailing relative, and for serving our nation. With the passage of the Paid Family Leave Law, a program administered by the Department of Family Medical Leave (DFML), workers can take paid leave when they need it the most, while knowing that their job is protected.

🎥 More from the Department of Family Medical Leave

Massachusetts is the first state to create an agency in the nation dedicated to workplace safety, almost 60 years before the creation of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Last year, the Department of Labor Standards’ Workplace Safety and Health Program was recognized as an OSHA State Plan, and DLS strives for a Massachusetts free of workplace hazards that cause injuries and illnesses, where wages are paid fairly and equitably, and the most vulnerable workers are protected.

🎥 More from the Department of Labor Standards

Throughout the years, the Department of Unemployment Assistance has served Massachusetts residents who are unemployed due to no fault of their own. We know losing a job is stressful. DUA is committed to providing residents with the resources that allow them to feel secure while they’re looking a job. Through the United States Department of Labor (USDOL) funded Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment Program, Massachusetts is able help claimants return to work faster.

🎥 More from the Department of Unemployment Assistance

In 1911, Massachusetts became the second state in the nation to pass a workers’ compensation statute, leading the way in workplace safety. The Department of Industrial Accidents is committed to protecting workers by promoting the health and safety of workers throughout the Commonwealths by ensuring businesses have workers’ compensation insurance coverage for its employees. This coverage is vital to providing workers with financial and medical resources as they recover from a work-related injury or illness.

🎥 More from the Department of Industrial Accidents

As the Healey-Driscoll Administration aims to strengthen Massachusetts’ economic competitiveness, EOLWD knows we can meet this moment by continuing to value and support our people – workers and labor across the Commonwealth – and remains focused on lifting our workforce today and our workforce for the future.

We hope you join us in celebrating Massachusetts workers this Labor Day!

  • Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development  

    The mission of EOLWD is to create, operate and oversee effective and innovative statewide services to: protect worker rights, health, safety, wages and working conditions; insure against job-related injury; provide individuals and families with economic stability following job loss or injury and illness; level the playing field for responsible employers; develop a pipeline of skilled workers for current, emerging and future employers; and, maintain labor harmony between employees, employers, and labor unions.
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