- Executive Office of Technology Services and Security
- Massachusetts Digital Service
- Digital Accessibility and Equity Governance Board
Media Contact for EOTSS Seeking Applications to the Digital Accessibility and Equity Governance Board
Christopher Smith, Director of Legislative and External Affairs
Video: Digital Accessibility and Equity Board Press Release - ASL Version
Skip this video Digital Accessibility and Equity Board Press Release - ASL Version.BOSTON — This week, the Digital Accessibility and Equity Governance Board announced they will be seeking applications from members of the public to join the Board and fulfill its mission is to strengthen and advance digital accessibility and equity within Massachusetts. The Board was formed as a result of Executive Order 614, signed by Governor Healey in July 2023 on the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It will advise the Executive Office of Technology Services and Security (EOTSS) and the Chief IT Accessibility Officer (CIAO) on all aspects of policy, procurement and operations matters where accessibility must be strengthened to bring the services and information of state government to all residents.
In particular, the Board seeks members of the public with expertise and/or lived experience with digital accessibility barriers. Public members will be appointed by the EOTSS Secretary and will serve at the pleasure of the Secretary for terms of two years. “We look forward to working with members of the public who can bring their insight, expertise, and life experience to help shape accessibility initiatives for the Commonwealth,” said Chief IT Accessibility Officer Ashley Bloom, who began as CIAO last month and has begun presiding over the Board. “In a time when the majority of state business is conducted online and digitally, we recognize the urgency to make that digital experience accessible to all residents,” said EOTSS Secretary and state Chief Information Officer Jason Snyder. “We are eager and proud to advance the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s access and equity priorities into the digital space, and we are excited to invite public participation to the Digital Accessibility and Equity Governance Board.”
As the state’s lead technology and cybersecurity secretariat, EOTSS is charged with the responsibility of coordinating the Administration’s information technology activities and ensuring that all executive department agencies adhere to its published standards, policies, and procedures. This enterprise approach provides a single, comprehensive framework and ensures that the state is in alignment on all technology needs, including data privacy, cybersecurity risk management, and now digital accessibility and equity through the creation of the Digital Accessibility and Equity Program.