Bureau of Pipefitters, Refrigeration Technicians, and Sprinkler Fitters

The Bureau of Pipefitters, Refrigeration Technicians, and Sprinkler Fitters is responsible for examining qualified candidates for licensure as pipefitters, refrigeration technicians, and sprinkler fitters. In the event of an incident or accident relating to such devices or equipment, OPSI inspectors may establish an investigation to determine cause and to prosecute violators of relevant laws and/or regulations.

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If looking for a status update on a license renewal, please put your full OPSI license number, including prefix, in the subject line. OPSI-info@mass.gov


Main Phone Number (617) 727-3200

Open Mon. - Fri., 8:45 am - 5:00 pm

MassRelay (TTY & ASCII) 711


Main Office
1000 Washington St
Suite 710
Boston, MA 02118

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