COVID-19 Health Equity Advisory Group

The primary function of the advisory group was to generate a series of recommendations for the Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health on how the COVID-19 pandemic response could be informed by a health equity lens to ensure equitable access to resources and services, and prevent inequities and disproportionate negative outcomes.

About Us

The Commissioner convened the COVID-19 Health Equity Advisory Group to advise DPH on the needs of communities and populations disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The group was composed of 26 Member advisory representing a cross-sector group of community leaders, health and racial equity experts who met twice weekly throughout the month of May. The group organized its effort into four subcommittees chosen by the members to create a set of recommendations. Each subcommittee was led by volunteer chairs who were members of the advisory group; logistical support and note-taking was provided by DPH staff. The subcommittees were:

  • Data and Metrics
  • COVID-19 Mitigation
  • Community Engagement and
  • Social Determinants of Health


Advisory Group Members

COVID-19 Health Equity Advisory Group Member List PDF | MS Word

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