• This page, 314 CMR 9.00: 401 Water quality certification for discharge of dredged or fill material, dredging, and dredged material disposal in waters of the United States within the Commonwealth, is   offered by
  • Trial Court Law Libraries
  • Massachusetts Court System

Regulation  314 CMR 9.00: 401 Water quality certification for discharge of dredged or fill material, dredging, and dredged material disposal in waters of the United States within the Commonwealth

314 CMR 9.00 carries out the Department's statutory obligations to certify that proposed discharges of dredged or fill material, dredging, and dredged material disposal in waters of the United States within the Commonwealth will comply with the Surface Water Quality Standards and other appropriate requirements of state law.

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Trial Court Law Libraries

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Contact   for 314 CMR 9.00: 401 Water quality certification for discharge of dredged or fill material, dredging, and dredged material disposal in waters of the United States within the Commonwealth

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