
Regulation  950 CMR 48.00: State ballot question petitions

Date: 07/09/2004
Organization: Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
Regulatory Authority: MGL c. 53, § 7
Official Version: Purchase the official print version

950 CMR 48.00 governs the format of original state ballot question petition blanks as prepared by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and copies thereof as defined herein, for the gathering of signatures, as well as the filing of such petitions with the Registrars of Voters for the certification of signatures, and thereafter with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, under the authority of M.G.L. c. 53, § 7. It is interpreted to achieve and maintain accuracy, uniformity and security from forgery and fraud in the procedures for gathering signatures, and to promote the right of eligible voters to sign such petitions, for such signatures to be certified where appropriate, and thereafter be allowed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and to therefore facilitate the operation of the initiative and referenda processes.

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