Lakes and Ponds Program Publications

DCR's Lakes and Ponds Program provides a variety of guides, brochures and posters on safely maintaining bodies of water in Massachusetts.

Eutrophication and Aquatic Plant Management In Massachusetts General Environmental Impact Report

This report presents a brief summary of the science of limnology (the study of freshwater ecosystems), describes procedures for lake management, and reviews case studies of lake management in Massachusetts.


  • DCR Lakes & Ponds Guide

    Massachusetts has over 3000 lakes and ponds that provide opportunities for recreation and valuable habitat for a wide diversity of plants and animals. However, over the years, many citizens of Massachusetts have observed a decline in the health of their lakes and ponds. This guide is a starting point for concerned citizens who wish to learn about lake ecology and ways they can protect the future of their lake or pond.

    The first section will help you understand the basic concepts of watersheds and the ecology of lakes and ponds. It covers the importance of a watershed approach to lake and pond protection and the ecology and cycles within a lake system. The next two sections address the main causes of reduced water quality and outline ways that you, as a concerned citizen, can adopt a proactive role in preventing further degradation to our water bodies.

    There is also information for people who wish to go one step further and begin or join a lake association, apply for grants or obtain additional education publications. Act now and protect your lake’s future!

  • DCR Guide to Aquatic Plants in Massachusetts
  • DCR Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species
  • DCR Bacteria Control Guide for Swimming Operations

Brochures and Posters

Rapid Response Plans

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