MPTC Statewide Programs, Instructor Certification and Contacts

The MPTC employs a cadre of knowledgeable, skilled practitioners to coordinate training and instructor standards related to training police officers in the areas of defensive tactics, domestic violence, firearms, health and wellness, highway safety, human trafficking, legal issues, CPR/first responder, patrol procedures and active shooter, sexual assault investigations and use-of-force application and decision-making.

Table of Contents

Instructor Qualifications

Each subject matter (topic) listed below provides a guide to specific experience and training requirements necessary to qualify for and receive certification as an instructional trainer.

Once certified, all authorized instructional trainers must complete the re-certification requirements outlined within the specific topic on or before the certification's expiration date.

MPTC Instructor Certification Guides

Provided below are the Municipal Police Training Committee's dedicated subject matter experts focused on specific, critical, high-risk training areas, responsible for coordinating training and certifications on behalf of the Municipal Police Training Committee, including curriculum and course development and instructor certification criteria and approvals. 

CPR/First Responder
Chief Neal Hovey | (978) 815-2153 | |
Guide to CPR/First Responder Instructor Certification

Defensive Tactics and Use of Force 
Officer Chuck DiChiara |
Guide to Defensive Tactics Instructor Certification

Domestic Violence/Human Trafficking/Sexual Assault
Maura Landry | (781) 437-0313 |
Guide to Domestic Violence Instructor Certification
Guide to Human Trafficking Instructor Certification
Guide to Sexual Assault Instructor Certification

Sergeant Jason Brennan | (508) 989-3578 |
Guide to Firearms Instructor Certification

Physical Training
Melissa Metzke, Director of Officer Health and Performance
Mobile : 781-719-2101 | Email:

Legal Issues
Denise Flagg, Esq., Legal Issues Coordinator | (781) 437-0319 |

Simulations Training
Captain John Fraher | John Fraher, MPTC Simulations Statewide Coordinator
Guide to Simulations Instructor Certification

Patrol Procedures
Sergeant Timothy Watts | (508) 868-5694 |
Guide to Patrol Procedures and Active Shooter Instructor Certification

MPTC Training Calendar

Training Year 2020 - 2021

View entry level (recruit), veteran officer, specialized and instructor certification training offered across the State to municipal, environmental and University of Massachusetts police officers.

Key Actions   for MPTC Training Calendar

Contract (receive payment) with the Commonwealth to provide instructional services

Separate from the instructor certification process is the process by which the MPTC pays some instructors to provide training. This requires the instructor to enter into a contract with the Commonwealth to provide instructional services.

  • The instructor's contract must be approved prior to commence instructional services to receive compensation for the services rendered.

Key Actions   for Contract (receive payment) with the Commonwealth to provide instructional services

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