Surface water monitoring by volunteers (Watershed associations, stream teams, school groups, and individuals) is valuable to MassDEP's watershed management approach. High-quality data from volunteer programs supports our efforts to assess surface waters, manage non-point sources of pollution (NPS) and calculate total daily maximum loads (TMDLs).
Benefits may include:
- Greater Stewardship: Volunteer monitoring can inspire citizens and groups to protect their high-quality waterbodies and habitats and restore those with problems.
- Increased Awareness: Watershed-level information gathered by volunteers is especially useful in finding and reducing local sources of NPS pollution (e.g., carried by runoff from parking lots, construction sites, farms, etc.).
- More waterbodies monitored: With nearly 10,000 miles of rivers and streams, and over 3,000 lakes and ponds in Massachusetts, state and federal agencies don't have enough resources to sample all of our waters. Volunteers collecting high-quality data can increase the number of waterbodies that MassDEP can assess, protect, and restore.
In order for MassDEP to use volunteer and other "external" data (i.e., data not collected by MassDEP), we require that the following criteria are met:
- Monitoring is conducted under a MassDEP-approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). Each QAPP includes program specifics, the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for field sampling and laboratory analyses, and other details. Guidance on how to develop a volunteer QAPP can be found below.
- Samples are analyzed by a qualified laboratory. These have proven capabilities for the selected analyses, well-documented SOPs, and a QA plan. MassDEP's Wall Experiment Station maintains a list of Certified Laboratories. MassDEP prefers that samples be analyzed by a state-certified lab.
- Information is documented in a citable report. In addition to data, program reports should include a discussion of quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) results, as well as data management.
Questions regarding volunteer water quality monitoring can be directed to er water quality monitoring can be directed to Robert Smith (,Therese Beaudoin ( or Suzanne Flint (