• This page, Cancel your service with a competitive supplier, is   offered by
  • Consumer Division

Cancel your service with a competitive supplier

Information on how to cancel service with your competitive supplier. Note: if you cancel your competitive supply service mid-contract, you may be charged an early cancellation fee.

DPU electric competitive supply team

The Details   of Cancel your service with a competitive supplier

What you need   for Cancel your service with a competitive supplier

You will need information to confirm that you are the customer of record for your competitive supplier and/or electric company.  It may be helpful to have a recent bill available.

How to cancel   Cancel your service with a competitive supplier

To cancel service with your competitive supplier call your competitive supplier directly.  A list of competitive supplier phone numbers is available here.  The competitive supplier's phone number should also be in documentation provided to you by your competitive supplier. 

If you cannot contact your competitive supplier or are having difficulty canceling your contract, contact your electric distribution company if you want to switch to basic service.  However, the DPU recommends that you contact your competitive supplier directly to determine whether you will incur an early cancellation fee.

You may be able to cancel your service online if you signed up with a competitive supplier online.  If this option is not available, you will need to cancel your contract over the phone. 

More info   for Cancel your service with a competitive supplier

Automatic renewal

Most competitive supply contracts have an automatic renewal provision that will re-enroll you with the competitive supplier on either a fixed or variable rate, at the end of your original contract term.  Read your terms and conditions to understand whether your contract has an automatic renewal at the end of the original contract term.  If there is an automatic renewal, call your competitive supplier before the end of the contract to understand your options.  If there is no automatic renewal, you will automatically go to basic service at the end of the contract unless you sign a new competitive supply contract. 

Cancellation fee

Before canceling your service, find out if your supplier will charge you a cancellation fee. You can find out if you will be charged a cancellation fee by:

  • reading the terms and conditions of your supplier contract, or

  • calling your competitive supplier directly and asking them.

Timeframe to cancel

You have three days, from the day you receive your terms and conditions, to cancel your contract with a competitive supplier without penalty. 

If you ask your competitive supplier to cancel your contract, you will be switched to basic service with the electric distribution company on your next meter read date if the request is at least 2 business days before your meter read date.   

If you ask your electric distribution company to cancel your contract, you will be switched to basic service within 2 business days if you are a residential customer.  You will be switched to basic service on your next meter read date if you are a business customer.  However, the DPU recommends that you contact your competitive supplier rather than your electric distribution company when canceling your contract to understand whether you will incur an early cancellation fee.

Filing a complaint with the Consumer Division

If you are dissatisfied in any way with the service provided by your competitive supplier (related or not to canceling your service), file a complaint with the DPU's Consumer Division.  

Contact   for Cancel your service with a competitive supplier

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