• This page, File a complaint involving a gas, electric, or water company, is   offered by
  • Consumer Division

File a complaint involving a gas, electric, or water company

Having a problem with your gas, electric, or investor-owned water company? Are you a Massachusetts resident or business owner? Here's how to file a complaint with the DPU.

Consumer Division

The Details   of File a complaint involving a gas, electric, or water company

What you need   for File a complaint involving a gas, electric, or water company

If you are a resident or a business owner in Massachusetts and have a question or concern about a bill from your electric, gas, or privately-owned water company, you should contact the company to try and resolve the problem. You can find your electric or gas company and their contact information on our Mass.gov page.  A list of privately-owned water companies regulated by the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) along with their contact information is also available.

If you can't resolve the problem with your company, and you are a resident or business owner in Massachusetts, you can file a complaint with the DPU.

If your service has been shut off, or is about to be shut off, you should call the DPU directly at (617) 737-2836 or toll free at (877) 886-5066.

If you have a complaint involving a renewable energy facility, please use the distributed generation group form instead.

How to file   File a complaint involving a gas, electric, or water company

To file your complaint online, use our online complaint form.  Please note that we can only accept complaints from Massachusetts residents and Massachusetts business owners. 

If you are a Massachusetts resident or business owner, you can call us at (617) 737-2836 or toll free at (877) 886-5066.

You can print our complaint form and mail it to:

Department of Public Utilities
Consumer Division
One South Station, Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02110

Downloads   for File a complaint involving a gas, electric, or water company

Contact   for File a complaint involving a gas, electric, or water company

Department of Public Utilities
1 South Station, 3rd floor, Boston, MA 02110
(617) 305-3742

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