Health care facility initial licensure and change of ownership

Information for health care facilities to apply for licensure with the Division of Health Care Facility Licensure and Certification.

Division of Health Care Facility Licensure and Certification

The Details   of Health care facility initial licensure and change of ownership

What you need   for Health care facility initial licensure and change of ownership

Applicants for initial licensure or a change of ownership must satisfy applicable Determination of Need and Plan Review requirements before submitting their application for a determination of suitability.

Applicants must also submit appropriate programmatic documentation specific to their provider type. Contact the licensure coordinators for additional information and forms: (617) 753-8118

Change of ownership applicants must also provide their 4-digit DPH license number as well as a copy of the purchase and sale agreement, or other documentation of pending change of ownership.

Fees   for Health care facility initial licensure and change of ownership

To view specific fees by facility type, see Licensure Fee Schedule.

How to apply   Health care facility initial licensure and change of ownership

  1. Download and complete the following:
  2. Attach the required documentation for compliance with fire safety requirements as detailed in the DPS Certificate or Local Occupancy Permit
  3. Attach a check for the appropriate fee with your application. Make the check payable to “Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”
  4. Mail your completed application, all attachments, and fee payment to:

    Licensure Coordinator
    Department of Public Health
    Division of Health Care Facility Licensure and Certification
    67 Forest Street
    Marlborough, MA 01752

More info   for Health care facility initial licensure and change of ownership

Additional Licensure Actions

All licensees must contact a licensure coordinator in advance any action which will result in a change to licensure status. Advance approval under applicable licensure regulations is required for the following changes in licensure status:

  • Change of location
  • Addition of new beds or services or approval following renovations
  • Closure

Downloads   for Health care facility initial licensure and change of ownership

Contact   for Health care facility initial licensure and change of ownership

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