Automatic renewal notification

Competitive suppliers must provide residential electric and gas customers with automatic renewal notifications 30 to 60 days prior to the expiration of contracts that have an automatic renewal provision.

Table of Contents

Distributing the automatic renewal notice

For fixed-price competitive supply contracts that expire on or after September 8, 2020 you must send an automatic renewal notification to residential customers between 30 and 60 days prior to the expiration of the contract.  You must provide the automatic renewal notification using the method(s) used to communicate other information to the customer.

If a customer on a fixed-price contract automatically renews to a monthly‑price product, competitive suppliers must send the customer a single notification prior to the date of the renewal.  In these instances, you must identify how prices for future months will be available to customers through the competitive suppliers’ websites.  The DPU does not specify how such prices will be made available to customers.  However, we expect that you will make the prices available in a timeframe that allows customers to explore other supply options. 

The DPU does not consider customers who initially sign up for a variable-price product to have an automatic renewal.  As such, those customers should not receive an automatic renewal notification.


The text on the automatic renewal notification form must be a minimum of 14-point font size.  You must place the DPU mandated language in the upper portion of the automatic renewal notification.  You may use the lower portion of the automatic renewal notification to present language that reflects your company's corporate branding and style.  Below are the formats for the electric and gas automatic renewal notifications.   

Additional Resources

Automatic renewals to fixed-price contracts

Competitive suppliers must use the language below for contracts that automatically renew to a fixed-price product:

As a customer of [competitive supplier name], we purchase and supply [electricity/gas] on your behalf, while your [electric/gas] utility continues to deliver the [electricity/gas] to your home.  Your current supply price, [xx] cents per [kWh/therm], will end during [month, year].  Unless you contact us, your contract will automatically renew to a new price, [xx] cents per [kWh/therm], which will remain in effect for [xx] months.

Please contact us at [email address] or [telephone number] prior to [month, year] if you do not wish your contract to be automatically renewed, or to find out more about [electricity/gas] supply products that we offer.

The text in bold indicates where you must select the appropriate language or fill in the information. 

Automatic renewals to variable-price contracts

Competitive suppliers must use the language below for contracts that automatically renew to a variable-price product:

As a customer of [competitive supplier name], we purchase and supply [electricity/gas] on your behalf, while your [electric/gas] utility continues to deliver the [electricity/gas] to your home.  Your current supply price, [xx] cents per [kWh/therm], will end during [month, year].  Unless you contact us, your contract will automatically renew to a new price that will change monthly.  Your initial monthly price will be [xx] cents per [kWh/therm].  Prices for future months will be available through our website, [website address].

Please contact us at [email address] or [telephone number] prior to [month, year] if you do not wish your contract to be automatically renewed, or to find out more about [electricity/gas] supply products that we offer.

The text in bold indicates where you must select the appropriate language or fill in the information.

Automatic renewal closing language

  • For electricity consumers, the notification shall include the following closing statement:

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities recommends that consumers visit the Energy Switch website to view the broad range of available electric supply products, including basic service offered by your electric utility.  You can visit the website at

  • For gas consumers, the notification shall include the following closing statement:

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities recommends that consumers visit the Gas Division website to view the current gas supply rates offered by your gas utility.  You can visit the website at

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