Clean Energy Transmission Working Group (CETWG)
The CETWG was set in place by Section 71 of the “An Act Driving Clean Energy and Offshore Wind” (Climate Law) in 2022. The working group shall assess and report to the general court on any necessary transmission upgrades that may be required to support the deployment of clean energy projects that may interconnect into the commonwealth for the benefit of residents of the commonwealth and the region, including but not limited to offshore wind projects. The assessment shall:
- Consider both in-state transmission upgrades as well as any regional transmission upgrades that may be necessary to accommodate the commonwealth’s clean energy requirements;
- Provide recommendations on any actions or initiatives that may be undertaken by ISO New England Inc., the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and other regional and state-level entities;
- Include a cost-benefit analysis to identify regulatory and legal challenges associated with obtaining and streamlining tariff approvals to accommodate increased clean energy penetration across New England;
- Assess and review cost-allocation measures adopted in other jurisdictions that aim to spread transmission upgrade costs equitably among ratepayers and developers across the states and regions.
The Governor appoints CETWG members who serve until the completion of a report with recommendations for legislative and regulatory actions at the state, regional, and federal level. The Chairman of the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) and the Commissioner of Department of Energy Resources (DOER) chair the CETWG, which is supported by DPU and DOER staff. CETWG members represent a wide array of organizations and interests.
- Jason Marshall, Deputy Secretary and Special Counsel for Federal and Regional Energy Affairs, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Designee for Commissioner Elizabeth Mahony, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, CETWG Co-Chairperson;
- Jamie Van Nostrand, Chair of the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, CETWG Co-Chairperson;
- Ashley Gagnon, Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General, Designee for Attorney General Andrea Campbell;
- Michael J. Barrett, Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy;
- Jeffrey N. Roy, Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy;
- Vacant, Submitted by the American Society of Civil Engineers;
- Brooke M Thomson, Associated Industries of Massachusetts, Inc, Submitted by the Associated Industries of Massachusetts, Inc;
- Doug Howgate, Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Inc, Submitted by the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation, Inc.;
- Vacant, Submitted by the National Consumer Law Center, Inc;
- Joseph LaRusso, Submitted by the Acadia Center;
- Hilary Pearson, LineVision, Submitted by the Northeast Clean Energy Council;
- Johannes Pfeifenberger, Brattle Group, Representing or consulting to the offshore wind industry;
- Liz Delaney, New Leaf Energy, Representing or consulting to the solar energy industry;
- Sheila Keane, New England States Committee on Electricity, Economist with knowledge of electricity transmission, distribution, generation and power supply;
- Ronald DeCurzio, Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC), Representing municipal interests or a regional public entity;
- Barry Ahern, National Grid, Representing investor-owned utilities in the Commonwealth;
- Dave Burnham, Eversource, Representing investor-owned utilities in the Commonwealth;
If you are interested in receiving updates about the CETWG, we invite you to sign up for the CETWG list serve.
If you have any questions regarding the CETWG, or if you would like to provide public comment, please email and
CETWG Meeting Schedule
Meeting #1: Friday, July 28, 2023 – 9 am to 11 am
- Notice of Public Meeting
- Draft By-Laws
- Draft Remote Participation Policy
- Meeting Presentation Slides
- Introduction to ISO New England System Planning Slides
Meeting #2: Friday, August 25, 2023 – 9 am to 11 am
- Notice of Public Meeting
- Meeting #2 Presentation
- CETWG July Meeting Minutes
- ISO-New England 2050 Transmission Study Presentation
- CETWG Future Meeting Schedule
Meeting #3: Friday, September 22, 2023 – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Notice of Public Meeting
- Meeting #3 Presentation
- CETWG August Meeting Minutes
- CETWG Report Outline
- CETWG Schedule of Topics and Presentations
- Presentation Materials:
- Johannes Pfeifenberger, Brattle Group, Presentation: U.S. Offshore Wind Transmission: Holistic Planning and Challenges
- Melissa Pauley, Senior Technical Advisor, Grid Deployment Office, U.S. Department of Energy, Presentation: From Convening to Implementation: Next Steps in Federal Action
- Dave Burnham, Director Transmission Policy, Eversource Energy, Presentation: Maximize Existing Corridors to Minimize Impacts and Reduce Costs
- Background Documents:
- Department of Energy and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Action Plan for Offshore Wind Transmission Development in the U.S. Atlantic Region
- May 2023 Multi-state letter to DOE to convene an interregional transmission states’ collaborative, including to explore offshore wind transmission
- The Brattle Group and DNV Report on The Operational and Market Benefits of HVDC to System Operators:
Meeting #4: Friday, October 13, 2023 – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Notice of Public Meeting
- Meeting #4 Agenda and Presentation
- Updated CETWG Report Outline
- Draft September Meeting Minutes
- Presentation Materials:
Meeting #5: Friday, November 3, 2023 – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Notice of Public Meeting
- Meeting #5 Agenda and Presentation
- Draft October Meeting Minutes
- October Meeting Minutes (Español)
- Jenner & Block Presentation
Meeting #6: Friday, November 17, 2023 – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Meeting Link:
- Notice of Public Meeting
- Meeting #6 Agenda and Presentation
- Draft November 3, 2023 Meeting Minutes
- Draft Report Conclusions and Recommendations
- Presentation Materials:
- Public Comment
Meeting #7: Wednesday, December 6, 2023 – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Notice of Public Meeting
- Meeting #7 Agenda and Presentation
- Draft November 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes
- CETWG First Draft Report
- CETWG First Draft Report with markups
- First Draft Report Overview
Meeting #8: Friday, December 15, 2023 – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Notice of Public Meeting
- Meeting #8 Agenda
- Draft December 6, 2023 Meeting Minutes
- CETWG Second Draft Report
- ISO-New England Feedback on the CETWG First Draft Report
- Public Comment
Meeting #9: Thursday, December 21, 2023 – 8:00 am to 9:30 am