Welcome to CZ-Mail, the monthly electronic newsletter from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). Each issue provides information on major CZM initiatives, available tools and publications, upcoming workshops and events, grants, contracting opportunities, job openings, and other news of interest to people working on coastal issues. Additional information about CZM’s programs, publications, and other coastal topics can be found on the CZM website. To subscribe to CZ-Mail, send a blank email (please be sure that the email is completely blank, with no signature line) to join-env-czmail@listserv.state.ma.us. Also, feel free to share CZ-Mail with colleagues and friends—and if you have any suggestions for future editions or would like to make a change to your subscription, email your request to CZ-Mail@mass.gov. For periodic updates from CZM between CZ-Mail editions, follow us on Twitter.
All links on this web page were current and working on the date of publication.
CZM to Host a New Coastal Management Fellow - CZM has been selected to host its 11th National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Coastal Management Fellow in 2025-2027. The fellow will support CZM’s StormSmart Coasts team with a focus on advancing more resilient coastal communities through expanding awareness of vulnerabilities to coastal storms and sea level rise using the MyCoast tool. Individuals who have completed a master’s or other advanced degree in a variety of environmental disciplines between August 1, 2023, and July 31, 2025, are eligible to apply for the two-year fellowship opportunity. Applications must be submitted to MIT Sea Grant or Woods Hole Sea Grant by January 24, 2025. See the Fellow Eligibility and Selection page for details.
Reminder: Office Hours Available to Discuss ResilientCoasts - In collaboration with coastal communities and other stakeholders, the ResilientCoasts initiative is developing a comprehensive, state-wide strategy for coastal resilience through a multipronged approach to identify regulatory, policy, and funding mechanisms for focused long-term solutions. To support development of the ResilientCoasts Plan, CZM has undertaken an expansive engagement process, which includes virtual public meetings held in October to provide an update on the plan, present the draft Coastal Resilience Districts for public feedback, and receive input on the project’s approach. Videos of these meetings are posted in the Community Engagement section of the ResilientCoasts web page, which also includes links to past public meetings. In addition, CZM is holding office hours to discuss questions or concerns related to the ResilientCoasts plan, and all stakeholders are encouraged to attend. Please register for one of the remaining dates:
- Friday, December 6 - 9:00-10:00 a.m.
- Friday, December 20 - 9 :00-10:00 a.m.
For details, see ResilientCoasts, or contact Deanna Moran at deanna.moran@mass.gov with any questions.
Update on New State Building Code - The last edition of CZ-Mail reported on how the newest state building code will improve safety of buildings in coastal flood zones. The (10th Edition of the Massachusetts State Building Code) was filed with the Secretary of State on September 24 and became effective on October 11. The 9th Edition of the Building Code will apply concurrently with the 10th Edition until June 30, 2025. The new code includes several changes to improve the safety of new and substantially improved buildings in coastal flood zones. First, it adds standards for Coastal A Zones, which are coastal areas predicted to have 1.5- to 3-foot breaking waves in a 1% chance coastal storm. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has recognized that structural damage occurs to buildings with solid foundations in Coastal A Zones. FEMA included a recommendation in the 2011 Coastal Construction Manual to build new buildings in Coastal A Zones to the same standard as velocity flood zones (V Zones, the coastal areas subject to the greater than 3-foot breaking waves). This standard is to elevate the buildings above the predicted 1% chance flood elevation on open pilings instead of solid foundations and has since been incorporated into the International Building Codes, which are the basis for the Massachusetts State Building Code. In 2017, the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Massachusetts were updated to add the Limit of Moderate Wave Action, which is used to delineate the Coastal A Zone (specifically, where 1.5- to 3.0-foot breaking waves are predicted to occur in a 1% chance storm). The 10th Edition State Building Code adopts standards for Coastal A Zones, as delineated on the FIRMs. It requires, in part, that new, substantially improved, or substantially damaged buildings in Coastal A Zones be built on open pilings, above the 1% chance flood elevation, consistent with the International Building Codes. It also requires higher freeboard, which is the elevation of buildings above the predicted 1% chance flood elevation to allow for the uncertainties of mapping as well as increasing precipitation and sea level rise. The freeboard requirements for all A and V flood zones have been raised one foot in the 10th Edition Code. Stay tuned to CZ-Mail for updates and information on future trainings from the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Flood Hazard Management Program and CZM on the changes for flood zones.
Oh Christmas Tree… New CZ-Tip on Potential Problems of Christmas Trees for Erosion Control and Better Options - December is chock full of holidays and observances, ripe with feasts and festivities, overflowing with giving and receiving, and filled to the brim with decorating. And though we are loathe to think about the aftermath, de-decorating looms heavily on the horizon. An annual question for the start of the new year is: what do I do with my Christmas tree? Here in Massachusetts, a once common practice was to use used Christmas trees to help build dunes and beaches. But many lessons learned have led to a pivot away from this outdated shoreline protection practice and toward more environmentally friendly methods of discarding (or even repurposing) Christmas trees. See CZ-Tip - Naughty or Nice? Christmas Trees for Coastal Erosion Control to learn more about the origins of using discarded trees to address coastal erosion, the potential for harm to wildlife and coastal resources, alternatives for Christmas tree disposal, and a range of effective erosion-control and sediment-building options that don’t involve tinsel.
Thank You COASTSWEEP Volunteers! - COASTSWEEP—the statewide beach cleanup sponsored by CZM as part of Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup—has wrapped up for 2024. CZM plans to start signups for next year’s COASTSWEEP cleanups in June 2025. To receive information about coordinating a cleanup or volunteering next season, please send your contact information to coastsweep@mass.gov. Thank you to all our volunteers throughout the years for your enthusiasm and commitment! And stay tuned to CZ-Mail for the 2024 tallies on number of volunteers, miles cleaned, and tons of trash collected.
Grants/Funding/Proposal Opportunities
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Planning 2.0 Grants - The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) is seeking proposals for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-2026 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) 2.0 Planning Grant to build on climate resilience work completed to date in Massachusetts communities while providing support with new processes, tools, and resources for building local and regional resilience. With MVP 2.0, communities will revisit resilience priorities with a focus on equity and use those priorities to then develop project ideas. Eligible applicants include any MVP-designated community, federally recognized and state-acknowledged Tribes, or Regional Planning Agencies applying on behalf of a municipality(ies). Communities with MVP 1.0 plans from May 2018 and earlier are required to apply and start the MVP 2.0 process in early 2025. These communities will receive priority for awards. For more information, see the MVP website or the COMMBUYS website for the Request for Responses (RFR). Applications are due through an online form by December 4 at 4:00 p.m.
MVP Equity Partners Procurement - EEA has also released an RFR to procure approximately five Equity Partners to assist communities with the MVP Planning 2.0 process. The responsibilities of the Equity Partners will include assisting the communities in centering individuals who have deep connections to EJ populations and other populations most impacted by climate change, conducting equity and climate justice training sessions, advising on community engagement activities, and helping communities to incorporate equity into their prospective Action Grant projects. Applications could come from an organization that has one or more staff with the required skillsets, or from individuals. EEA may award contracts to multiple people/entities to procure the five Equity Partners. For more information and to submit a response, please review the RFR on the COMMBUYS website. The deadline to submit a response is December 17 at 5:00 p.m.
Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants - The EEA Division of Conservation Services (DCS) is seeking proposals for FY 2025 Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants, which provide up to $1 million in matching funds to state agencies and local governments to acquire and develop public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a grant information session (the one remaining session is on December 5 at 2:00 p.m. on Microsoft Teams—please RSVP to Melissa Cryan at melissa.cryan@mass.gov to attend). For more information, see the DCS website.
MassTrails Grants - Through MassTrails, communities, public agencies, and nonprofit organizations can apply for reimbursable, matching grants up to $500,000 to design, create, maintain, and support recreational trail and shared-use pathway projects in Massachusetts. See MassTrails Grants for application details and grant documents. Proposals must be submitted online by February 3, 2025.
Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) is seeking applications for the Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program for projects that improve fishing practices and develop innovative gear technologies to reduce overfishing. Up to $2.3 million is available for collaborative research projects that address four high-priority areas for bycatch reduction: researching new technology, encouraging technology adoption, reducing post-release mortality, and conducting international research. For more information, see the NOAA Fisheries website. Pre-proposals are due by December 13 and full proposals by March 21, 2025.
Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Grants - NOAA Fisheries is seeking proposals for two grant opportunities under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act to fund locally led fish passage projects that will remove in-stream barriers, such as dams. Up to $75 million in funding is available for the Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Grants to reopen migratory routes and restore access to better fish habitats, with proposals due by February 10, 2025. Also, up to $20 million is available for the Restoring Tribal Priority Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Grants for fish passage and tribal capacity building, with proposals due by February 27, 2025. For upcoming applicant webinars and applications details, see each respective grant web page.
Woods Hole Sea Grant Biennial Request for Proposals - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant (WHOI Sea Grant) has released the 2026-2027 Biennial Request for Proposals to fund research projects beginning February 1, 2026. Investigators at Massachusetts academic, research, and educational institutions can submit proposals for projects to address coastal issues in Massachusetts, with a focus on healthy coastal ecosystems, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and resilient communities and economies. Approximately $1 million is available to support four to six, two-year research projects. Proposals require a match of $1 of non-federal funds for every $2 of federal funds requested. For more information, potential applicants are encouraged to attend an informational webinar (register for the December 17 Information Session). Pre-proposals are due by 4:30 p.m. on January 24, 2025.
Reminders - These opportunities, listed previously in CZ-Mail, are still open:
- Boston Harbor Water Transportation Fund Grants - The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) is seeking proposals from governmental, quasi-governmental, or nonprofit entities for Boston Harbor Water Transportation Fund Grants for projects that support or expand water transportation at one or more of the following sites: Fan Pier or Pier 4 in the Seaport, Lovejoy Wharf on Causeway Street, and the Charlestown Navy Yard at Harborview Condominiums. Approximately $2,500,000 is available for projects at these sites, with a small portion of the funding dedicated to support cultural or educational activities utilizing water transportation not tied to a specific site. For more information, see MassDEP website and this video from the public information session on October 16. Applications are due by December 13.
- Strengthening U.S. Aquaculture through Business Support - The Sea Grant College Program is seeking proposals for research projects and programs that strengthen U.S. coastal, marine, and Great Lakes aquaculture by supporting the development of new aquaculture businesses and enhancing existing aquaculture business output, efficiency, and profitability. Sea Grant anticipates that approximately $5 million in federal funds will be available in FY 2024 and 2025 for grants ranging from $100,000 to $1 million. A 50% non-federal match will be required. For more information, see the Notice of Funding Opportunity. Letters of Intent are due December 4, and full proposals are due by February 12, 2025.
- STREAM Grants - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sea Grant is seeking applications for Solutions Through Research, Education, and Art in Massachusetts (STREAM) grants, which provide up to $9,999 for nine-month projects that: meet objectives of the MIT Sea Grant Strategic Plan in one or more of four focus areas (healthy coastal ecosystems, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, resilient communities and economies, and environmental literacy and workforce development); incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility principles; and cultivate partnerships. The grants can be used for educational initiatives, small research projects, seed funding for innovative efforts, and rapid response projects to tackle a current challenge. Eligible applicants include educators in preschool through grade 12, Massachusetts university faculty and students, nonprofit organizations, and artists affiliated with these groups. For more information, see the MIT Sea Grant website.
Online Tools and Resources
Ocean Acidification Maps of U.S. Waters - NOAA researchers have produced new ocean acidification maps of U.S. waters that show how ocean acidification is impacting 11 different marine ecosystems. This online dashboard for fisheries and natural resource managers includes graphs, charts, mapped products, and snapshots of ecosystem status for ocean acidification. For additional information, see the July research paper from Nature Scientific Data.
Newsletters and Other Periodicals
MassBays Newsletter - The Fall 2024 issue of the MassBays Newsletter, the quarterly update from the MassBays National Estuary Partnership (MassBays), covers an Exchange Network grant received by MassBays and partners to improve water quality by developing data tools and building regional collaboration, Salem Sound Coastwatch’s work on three CZM Coastal Resilience Grants, and other information and updates from MassBays.
Watershed Planning Program Newsletter - The Fall 2024 issue of the MassDEP Watershed Planning Program Newsletter includes items on surface water quality standards, water quality monitoring, total maximum daily loads, and other program and staff updates, events, and helpful links.
Research Physical Scientist - The Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics group at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center is seeking a Research Physical Scientist to lead field, numerical, and/or remote sensing studies of estuarine and salt marsh biogeomorphic evolution throughout the United States. For more information, see the job posting.
Reminders - These job postings, listed previously in CZ-Mail, are still open:
EEA Agency Positions
Other Full-Time Positions
- Mass Audubon Jobs
- Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) Positions
- Mystic River Watershed Association Director of Climate Resiliency (PDF, 102 KB)
- Save the Harbor/Save the Bay Jobs and Internships
- Sea Education Association (SEA) Positions
- The Trustees of Reservations Jobs
Part-Time or Seasonal Positions
Calendar - Individual Events and Announcements
25th AEES Meeting—Call for Abstracts - May 28-30, 2025, annual meeting of the American Ecological Engineering Society (AEES) to be held in Athens, Georgia. Abstracts are due by January 15, 2025.
CERF 2024 Conference—Call for Proposals - November 9-13, 2025, biennial conference sponsored by the Coastal Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) with the theme “Estuaries: Tradition and Transition” to be held in Richmond, Virginia. Session, workshop, and design team proposals are due by January 17, 2025.
2025 Gulf of Maine Monitoring & Research Symposium - April 8-9, 2025, event for monitoring program coordinators and researchers, data users, and policymakers hosted by the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, and MIT Sea Grant to be held in Haverhill.
Reminders - The following calendar items posted previously in CZ-Mail are still to come:
- New England Environmental Industry Summit - December 5, eighth summit from the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC) on environmental and energy issues and opportunities to be held in Boston.
- Financing for Climate Adaptation and Resilience - December 6, forum from EBC to be held in Boston with a virtual option.
- Revisiting Funding for State Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Infrastructure Projects - December 10, webinar from EBC.
- Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPS) Conference—Call for Abstracts - April 9-10, 2025, 35th annual conference sponsored by NEIWPCC on “Nonpoint Source Pollution and Clean Water: Perspectives from the Arts, Sciences and Humanities” to be held in Freeport, Maine. Abstracts are due by December 15.
- Saugus River Watershed Council Annual Meeting - December 18, annual meeting to be held in Revere.
- 2025 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference—Call for Abstracts - April 8-10, 2025, annual conference sponsored by the Center for Watershed Protection to be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Abstracts are due by December 31.
- Coastal GeoTools 2025 - January 27-30, 2025, biennial conference sponsored by the Association of State Floodplain Managers to be held in Wilmington, North Carolina.
- National Working Waterfront Network Conference - February 4-6, 2025, annual conference on working waterfronts and ports with the theme “Working Waterfronts: Adapting to Change” to be held in San Diego, California.
- Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference - February 5-7, 2025, annual conference sponsored by NEIWPCC to be held in Bartlett, New Hampshire.
- National Monitoring Conference - March 10-14, 2025, 14th National Monitoring Conference sponsored by the National Water Quality Monitoring Council with the theme “Working Together for Clean Water” to be held in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
- AWRA Spring Conference - April 28-30, 2025, conference from the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) with the theme “Development Risks and Challenges Changing Climate Conditions,” to be held in Anchorage, Alaska.
Calendar - Multiple/Ongoing Events
APCC Events - Free virtual events on landscaping, gardening, and more from the Association to Preserve Cape Cod (APCC). Recordings of previous webinars are available.
Barnstable Land Trust Events - Programs for children and adults across Barnstable.
Boston Harbor Islands Events - Upcoming events and activities in the Boston Harbor Islands National and State Park.
Boston Harbor Now Events - Events throughout the Boston Harbor area.
Buzzards Bay Events - Regional events compiled by the Buzzards Bay Coalition.
Cape Cod Bird Club Walks and Activities - Free birdwatching field trips across Cape Cod.
Cape Cod Field Schools - Multi-day field courses offered by Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.
Cape Cod Maritime Museum Events - Upcoming events and lectures for all ages at the museum in Hyannis. Links to recordings of past lectures are also posted.
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History Programs - A calendar of events at the museum in Brewster.
Center for Coastal Studies Events - Events across the Cape Cod region.
CERF 2024 Webinar Series - Monthly webinars from the Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation with the theme “Coastal Futures: The Resilience of Our Communities, Scientific Advancement, and Our Changing World.” Recordings of previous webinars are available.
Charles River Watershed Events - Events throughout the watershed compiled by the Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA).
Climate Adaptation Webinars - Webinars on climate change, adaptation, and resilience from the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center at the University of Massachusetts Amherst with links to Archived Webinars.
Climate Conversations: Pathways to Action - Monthly webinars from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on national policy action on climate change. Recordings of past webinars are also available.
Conservation Commission Education - Workshops, webinars, and trainings scheduled across Massachusetts and posted by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC). See the MACC Complete Education Catalog and Community Calendar.
Dam Busters 101 Webinars Series - Lunchtime webinars on dam removal in Massachusetts sponsored by the Massachusetts Rivers Alliance, Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration, and CRWA, with links to past webinars and related material.
Ecological Landscaping Events - Webinars, classes, and events from the Ecological Landscape Alliance. Past webinars are available in Webinar Replays.
Evening with Experts Series - Free public lecture series on ecology and native plant landscaping, including recordings of past events, hosted by Grow Native Massachusetts.
Friends of Herring River Events - Upcoming Herring River watershed events in Truro and Wellfleet.
Healthy and Resilient Communities Research Webinar Series - Periodic community resilience webinars from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for local decision makers, with links to Past Webinar Recordings.
Ipswich River Watershed Events - Events throughout the watershed compiled by the Ipswich River Watershed Association.
Keep Massachusetts Beautiful Events - Talks and volunteer opportunities across the Commonwealth on litter prevention and cleanup, waste reduction and recycling, beautification and community greening, and environmental education.
Lloyd Center for the Environment Activities - Birding and nature walks and other activities for all ages at the Lloyd Center in Dartmouth.
Marion Natural History Museum Programs - Community and summer programs at the museum in Marion.
Mass Audubon Program Catalog - Programs for children and adults hosted at the following Mass Audubon coastal locations:
- Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
- Joppa Flats Education Center
- Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary
- North River Wildlife Sanctuary
- Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
MBL Falmouth Forum Lecture Series - Free public lectures at the Marine Biological Lab (MBL) in Woods Hole.
Moving Towards Preparedness for Extreme Weather Events - Four-part webinar series hosted by the National Adaptation Forum. Information from past forums is available.
Mystic River Watershed Events - Events throughout the watershed compiled by the Mystic River Watershed Association.
Nantucket Conservation Foundation Events - Activities and events across Nantucket.
National Marine Sanctuaries Webinars - Webinars hosted by the sanctuary system. See Past Webinar Recordings for descriptions of and links to previous webinars.
Native Plant Trust Events - Classes, field studies, and webinars across Massachusetts.
Neponset River Watershed Events - Events throughout the watershed compiled by the Neponset River Watershed Association.
New England Aquarium Events - Upcoming events, lectures, and programs at the New England Aquarium. Recordings of past lectures are available on the Aquarium Lecture Series page.
NEWMOA Events - Upcoming webinars and events from the Northeast Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA). Past presentations are available.
NOAA Coastal Training and Learning Resources - A range of training opportunities from NOAA’s Digital Coast. Also see the Training Catalog for links to on-demand resources.
NOAA Planet Stewards Events - Webinars, workshops, and book club sessions from the NOAA Planet Stewards Education Project. See the Webinar Archives for links to selected presentations.
NOAA Science Seminars - Webinars and seminars on science and climate issues from several NOAA partners. Past seminars are catalogued and available.
Nonpoint Source Pollution Technical Exchange Webinars - Periodic webinars from EPA on a variety of nonpoint source pollution topics, with links to previous webinars.
North and South Rivers Watershed Association Events - Event listings on the South Shore.
Northeast Monthly Climate Updates - Free webinars from the Northeast Regional Climate Center to address timely weather and climate concerns. Recordings of previous webinars are also available, along with PDF copies of presentation materials.
Salem Sound Coastwatch Events - Activities and events posted in the Salem Sound region.
Soak Up the Rain New England Webinar Series - Periodic webinars from EPA that highlight innovative ways to address stormwater, with links to Past Webcasts.
Sound in the Sea Webinars - Webinars on underwater sound hosted by the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography. See the Webinar Archives for links to past presentations.
Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network Stormwater Planning Series - Five free two-hour training sessions from January 2025-June 2025 on developing conceptual designs for nature-based stormwater retrofits in a selected community drainage area. Between training sessions, participants will work with SNEP Network Partners to advance their stormwater retrofit conceptual designs. Applications to participate are due by December 13 at 5:00 p.m.
Stone Living Lab Events - Free climate-focused events around Boston Harbor from the Stone Living Lab at UMass Boston.
Trustees Activities - Programs and activities at The Trustees of Reservations properties across the Commonwealth.
Walks & Events in Orleans - Guided walks, programs, and talks from the Orleans Conservation Trust.
Walks, Talks, & Events in Harwich - Birding and nature walks and talks from the Harwich Conservation Trust.
Waquoit Bay Reserve Programs - Activities for kids and adults from the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Westport River Watershed Alliance Events - Events presented by the Westport River Watershed Alliance.
Other Items of Interest
Woods Hole PEP Program - The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP) is seeking applicants for 10-week summer internships in Woods Hole for undergraduate students in underrepresented groups in the marine and ocean sciences with a desire to gain practical experience in marine and environmental sciences. The program consists of a four-week course in global climate change and a 10-week research project in Woods Hole. See the preparing to apply web page for more information. Applications are due by February 14, 2025.
Coastal Wetlands Scholarship - The Garden Club of America is seeking applicants for the Coastal Wetlands Studies Scholarship, which will provide a $5,000 stipend to one graduate student to support field-based coastal wetland research in the United States. Applications are due by January 15, 2025.
Thoreau Foundation Scholarships - The Henry David Thoreau Foundation is now accepting applications from top Massachusetts high school seniors who plan to study environmental issues in college for their Undergraduate Scholarship Program. Selected students will receive a four-year scholarship up to $25,000, eligibility for an environmental internship stipend, and access to the scholar alumni network. Applications are due by January 15, 2025.
NOAA Ocean Guardian Youth Ambassadors - NOAA is seeking youth aged 13-18 with a passion for the ocean and natural environment to apply to become NOAA Ocean Guardian Youth Ambassadors. Accepted Ambassadors will attend monthly webinars to learn about the National Marine Sanctuary System, lead an environmental and ocean conservation project in their community, and share knowledge and skills with their peers and community. For more information and to apply, see the Ocean Guardian Youth Ambassadors web page. Applications are due by January 5, 2025.
Campus RainWorks Challenge - The EPA Office of Water has announced the 2025 Campus RainWorks Challenge, a “green infrastructure” design competition for undergraduate and graduate students. Student teams, working with a faculty advisor, will submit designs, a project narrative, and a letter of support for a proposed project that effectively manages stormwater for their campus using practices that restore or mimic natural hydrological processes. Winning teams will be awarded cash prizes. Teams can register from January 2-January 31, 2025, and projects must be submitted by April 22, 2025.