DCR Watershed Plans

View the plans used to protect the drinking water supply for 3.1 million people in the greater Boston area.

DCR is continuously planning to maintain the superior water quality in the Quabbin Reservoir, Ware River, and Wachusett Reservoir watersheds.  DCR is also responsible for the emergency water supply from the Sudbury and Foss Reservoirs.

There are three critical components to the planning process for each watershed in the DCR/MWRA Water Supply System:

  1. Public Access Plan -  describes the management policies that allow people to recreate on DWSP lands while still protecting water quality.
  2. Land Management Plan - a thorough description of the watershed’s physical features, the natural resources on DWSP property, and the variety of techniques used by the agency to enhance water quality, including land protection and forest and wildlife management.
  3. Watershed Protection Plan - takes information from the Public Access Plan and Land Management Plan and integrates water monitoring findings and other studies to create an action plan that is the basis for an annual Work Plan and budget.

There are also other plans and reports that aid in developing each of these plans.

DCR Watershed Management Planning Fact Sheet

Table of Contents

Annual Work Plan

Watershed Protection Plan

Public Access Management Plans

Land Management Plans

2017 Land Management Plan 
A comprehensive plan that covers the Quabbin Reservoir, Ware River, Wachusett Reservoir, and Sudbury Reservoir watersheds.

Previous Land Management Plans
The 2017 Land Management Plan references previous editions of each respective watershed's Land Management Plans:

Invasive Species

Other Plans

Plan Update Completed - Ware River Access Plan

September 2023: Update to Ware River Watershed Management Access Plan completed.

Fall 2022: Covid-19 and other issues have created a delay.  Steps now in process to complete update.

Fall 2018: Update to Ware River Watershed Public Access Management Plan is now in process.

Information also available on Ware River Watershed Advisory Committee page.

Contact   for DCR Watershed Plans


Field Headquarters
180 Beaman St., West Boylston, MA 01583


Oakham Field Office Ware River Watershed, Oakham, MA 01068

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