Early Intervention (EI) Vision Specialty Services

Specialty Services for children diagnosed with Blindness or Vision Loss in Early Intervention (EI)

Table of Contents

Vision services

Children with Blindness or Vision Loss are eligible for EI services based on their diagnosis. The Department of Public Health (DPH) contracts with Perkins School for the Blind to provide services to infants and toddlers with Blindness/Vision Loss in the EI system. EI service coordinators discuss Specialty Service Provider (SSP) services with families. If the family is interested, they follow a referral process to Perkins School for the Blind.

 SSP services Perkins provides to eligible children and families:

  • Functional Vision Assessments by a Vision Specialist
  • Direct services to the child and family to support development of vision and other skills
  • Consultation and training for other professionals, early intervention staff, and childcare centers working with children with visual impairments
  • Parent-child groups for families of children with visual impairments
  • Co-visits with EI professionals

Find an Early Intervention vision provider

Perkins School for the Blind
175 North Beacon St.
Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: (617) 972-7331

Download: Perkins School for the Blind Contact Information

Provider documents

Contact   for Early Intervention (EI) Vision Specialty Services


Emily White, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA, Director, Early Intervention Division Email Early Intervention Division at


For business inquiries


250 Washington St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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