About NERO
MassDEP's Northeast Regional Office (NERO) is located in Woburn, MA and serves 84 cities and towns (listed below) located in northeastern Massachusetts. The region spans from the New Hampshire border south through metropolitan Boston to Quincy and is bounded on the west by a line that extends roughly from Ashland to Westford.
Contacts, File Review & Environmental Data
NERO File Review
Appointments to review the MassDEP Northeast Region's non-confidential files are available Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Northeast Region Features
Of the four Massachusetts regions, the Northeast Region is the most industrialized and populated of the four regions (with almost three million residents) and is comprised of 84 cities and towns situated in northeastern Massachusetts. The region spans from the New Hampshire border south through metropolitan Boston to Quincy and is bounded on the west by a line that extends roughly from Ashland to Westford.
The industrial base is mixed, ranging from high tech companies along Route 128 to durable goods manufacturing and petrochemical firms in the greater Boston area. The region also is home to a number of large power plants, major airports and seaports, and the transportation network that supports those facilities and links them with economic centers up and down the Eastern Seaboard.
Although chiefly urban and suburban, the region includes rural areas to the northwest and southwest of Boston. Its coastline, including Boston's inner harbor and Cape Ann, and nine river basins - Charles, Ipswich, Merrimack, Mystic, Neponset, Parker, Shawsheen, SuAsCo, Weir & Weymouth - are the region's predominant natural features.
Northeast Region Cities & Towns
Environmental Issues & Sites in Northeastern Massachusetts
Brooke Charter School
Files related to the proposed project for a new community athletic field, walkway, bathroom building, seating, storage area, driveway, associated utilities, and stormwater management systems located at 550 Morton Street in Mattapan, MA. Learn more about Brooke Charter School's proposed project.
South Framingham Project
As one of the agencies charged with ensuring that the underlying principles of the Commonwealth's Environmental Justice Policy are met, MassDEP's Northeast Regional Office has focused on environmental issues in South Framingham, Massachusetts, and in particular, on impacts to Beaver Dam Brook which flows through South Framingham. Learn more about MassDEP's South Framingham Environmental Justice Initiative.
Wheelabrator Saugus Inc. Ash Landfill, Saugus
MassDEP issued a Final Decision on WSI’s application for a Major Modification (Partial Valley Fill Project). The Final Decision allows WSI to place additional ash fill in two valleys within the limit of the landfill, subject to specific conditions. MassDEP also executed an eleventh Amendment to the Consent Order, which includes required mitigation. Learn more about the Wheelabrator Ash Landfill, Saugus
Microwave Development Laboratories in Needham, MA
A report evaluating the long-term performance of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) installed by MassDEP and their contractor at the Microwave Development Laboratories (MDL) site in 2001. Read the report: Evaluation of Reactive Barrier Wall for Groundwater Treatment at the Microwave Development Laboratories in Needham, MA.
Environmental Justice in the Northeast Region
The MassDEP NERO is committed to addressing and advancing environmental justice and equity for all people of the Commonwealth. We are dedicated to promote and provide meaningful, inclusive opportunities for our communities.
What is Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice means all people should have the ability to live in and enjoy a clean and healthy environment regardless of race, color, income, class, handicap, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity or ancestry, religious belief or English language proficiency. For more information on MassDEP NERO Environmental Justice, please see the below resources.
Northeast Region's Commitment
MassDEP's Northeast Regional Office (NERO) is committed to addressing and advancing environmental justice and equity for all people of the Commonwealth.
Updates & Community Engagements
Additional MassDEP Resources
Water Resources
Contact for MassDEP Northeast Regional Office
Fax: 978-694-3499|M-F 8:45 am - 5:00 pm