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MassHealth Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Initiatives

Learn more about specific initiatives included in the FY23 Budget proposed by Governor Baker on January 26, 2022

Budget Release Material

Behavioral Health Surcharge FY23 Fact Sheet: The proposed Behavioral Health Payor Surcharge in the Baker-Polito Administration’s FY23 budget will require commercial health insurance payors to contribute toward the cost of statewide behavioral health services that include a 24/7 Behavioral Health Help Line and a system of 24/7 community and mobile behavioral health crisis intervention programs, available to all residents  PDF | Word

Medicare Savings Program FY23 Fact Sheet: The Baker-Polito Administration’s FY23 budget proposes to further expand eligibility for the Medicare Savings Program to 200% FPL, expanding eligibility to an additional ~35,000 low-income older adults to significantly reduce their health care costs  PDF | Word

MassHealth Hospital Assessment FY23 Fact Sheet: The five-year hospital assessment proposed in the Baker-Polito Administration’s FY23 budget will generate significant investments in Massachusetts hospitals and provide critical support to safety net providers  PDF | Word

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