April 11, 2024
Background: We seek to create a truly diverse Implementation Council that will represent and serve MassHealth’s many populations. One Care is a comprehensive health program that provides the delivery of Medicare and Medicaid (MassHealth) for adults between the ages of 21 and 64 at the time of enrollment who are eligible for both MassHealth and Medicare.
MassHealth established the 21-member Implementation Council upon commencement of the One Care program in 2013. Since then, the Implementation Council has served as a working committee that makes sure the voices of people on MassHealth and their family members are heard, aiming to improve the equity of care provided through representation and policy.
At this time, the current Implementation Council representatives’ terms are expiring. Therefore, through this Notice of Opportunity (NOO), MassHealth is reprocuring the entire membership of the Implementation Council, with the newly formed Implementation Council to begin in 2024, and to serve with a 2-year term. Through this NOO, we seek to create a truly diverse Implementation Council, encompassing individuals from different social, racial and cultural backgrounds, including deaf and LGBTQ+ communities, as well as individuals with diverse lived experiences.
MassHealth seeks to select:
- 7-12 MassHealth members with disabilities or family members or guardians of MassHealth members with disabilities. These individuals will represent at least 60 percent of the Implementation Council;
- 4-10 additional individuals representing community-based organizations, consumer advocacy organizations, service providers, trade associations, and unions. These individuals will represent no more than 40 percent of the Implementation Council;
Implementation Council representatives should be available to devote the time needed to perform the roles and responsibilities of the Implementation Council, including attending and participating in all meetings, reviewing all meeting materials prior to meetings, assisting in the development of work plan deliverables, and providing advice and guidance to MassHealth. Implementation Council representatives should possess strong analytical skills, critical reading skills, and good interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to work constructively with MassHealth. In addition, Implementation Council representatives must reside in Massachusetts.
MassHealth is procuring representatives for each seat on the Council. Therefore, existing Council representatives who wish to continue as Implementation Council representatives must apply to continue working on the Council according to the processes detailed in this Notice of Opportunity.
Submission Requirements: Interested individuals should submit a completed nomination form and letter of reference by May 15, 2024, at 5:00 PM. The nomination form and a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document are available online at www.mass.gov/one-care under “Implementation Council,” in “Notice of Opportunity to Join the One Care Implementation Council” or on COMMBUYS (www.commbuys.com). Directions for accessing the documents through COMMBUYS:
- Scroll down to the bottom of the COMMBUYS home page and click on “Contract & Bid search.”
- On the next page click on Bids.
- On the Advanced Search page enter the keyword “Implementation” in the Bid Description field; from the dropdown menu in the Organization field select 1039-Executive Office of Health and Human Services; click on “Find It.”
- The link for the relevant documents should be at or very near the top of the list. Click on that link.
Email Amy.Butcher@mass.gov or call Amy Butcher at 1-(857)208-5382 if you need the form and FAQ sent to you or would like to request reasonable accommodation, which may include obtaining the information in an alternative format.
Notice of Opportunity to Join the One Care Implementation Council
Implementation Council Nomination Form- April 11, 2024 (PDF)
Implementation Council Nomination Form- April 11, 2024 (DOCX)
Notice of Opportunity to Participate in the One Care Implementation Council- April 11, 2024 (PDF)
Notice of Opportunity to Participate in the One Care Implementation Council- April 11, 2024 (DOCX)
Implementation Council FAQs – October 25, 2018 (PDF)
Implementation Council FAQs – October 25, 2018 (DOCX)
Implementation Council Nomination Form- October 25, 2018 (PDF)
Implementation Council Nomination Form- October 25, 2018 (DOCX)
Notice of Opportunity to Participate in the One Care Implementation Council- October 25, 2018 (PDF)
Notice of Opportunity to Participate in the One Care Implementation Council- October 25, 2018 (DOCX)
Date published: | May 2, 2024 |