Probate and Family Court Petition to Change Name of Adult (CJP 27)

Use to request a change of name for a person 18 years of age or older (Revised 5/6/24).

Table of Contents

Petition to Change Name of Adult form

Information and instructions

Required at initial filing

You may also need to file:

  • Petition to Change Name of Adult (CJP 27) - Revised 5/6/24
  • A certified copy of your birth certificate (long-form). This is available from the Registry of Vital Records or from the city or town where you were born. Birth certificates that are not written in English must include a written translation signed by the person translating the birth certificate with a statement that they are fluent in the foreign language and English and that the translation is a true and accurate translation. The translators signature must be notarized.
  • If you have changed your name in the past, you must file the certified document showing that name change for each time your name changed. Examples of this are a marriage certificate, Judgment of Divorce, or other court decree of name change.
  • Court Activity Record Information (CARI) and Warrant Management System Release Request Form (CJP 34).

If you would also like to amend the sex on your Massachusetts birth certificate, please see Amend a birth certificate following medical intervention for the purpose of sex reassignment

Translated forms

This form is also available in Portuguese and Spanish - COMING SOON

  • CJP 27 Pedido de mudança de nome / Petition to change name of adult
  • CJP 27 Solicitud de cambio de nombre(s) / Petition to change name of adult

Alternative form

Most users should use Petition to Change Name of Adult (CJP 27).

If you need to save a partially filled-out form, you may choose to use the Alternative Form.

Alternative Petition to Change Name of Adult (CJP 27)

This version of the form allows you to save a partially filled-out form to finish later or for re-use. This form must be downloaded and opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.

For instructions on how to open, see What to do if you can't open court PDFs.

For more information or assistance

For assistance, please email

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