Probate and Family Court Uniform Guide to Filings

The below information lists what forms are required to be filed with the Probate and Family Court to start a new court case or new subsequent action.

Table of Contents

Filing a new court case

The following forms are required to be filed with the court to start a new court case.

Complaint for Divorce (fault)

Refer to: G.L. c. 208, §1

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

  • Certified Copy of Marriage Certificate
    • Strongly recommended at time of initial filing
  • Financial Statement 
  • Military Affidavit (TC0002) when the defendant does not file an answer or appearance, or not appear on the hearing date

Complaint for Divorce (no fault)

Refer to: G.L. c. 208, §1B

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

  • Certified Copy of Marriage Certificate
    • Strongly recommended at time of initial filing
  • Financial Statement 
  • Military Affidavit (TC0002) when the defendant does not file an answer or appearance, or not appear on the hearing date

Joint Petition for Divorce (no fault)

Refer to: G.L. c. 208, §1A

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Complaint for Separate Support

Refer to: G.L. c. 209, §30

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

  • Certified Copy of Marriage Certificate
    • Strongly recommended at time of initial filing
  • Financial Statement
  • Military Affidavit (TC0002) when the defendant does not file an answer or appearance, or does not appear on the hearing date

Complaint for Support

Refer to: G.L. c. 209, §32F

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Complaint for Custody, Support, Parenting Time

Refer to: Chapter 209c

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Complaint to Establish Parentage

Refer to: Chapter 209C

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

  • Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
    • Strongly recommended at time of initial filing
    • If unable to obtain a certified copy:
      • Motion to Order Release of Certified Copy of Birth Certificate to the Court, OR
      • Motion to File Late with supporting Affidavit or Verified Motion
  • Military Affidavit (TC0002) when the defendant does not file an answer or appearance, or does not appear on the hearing date

Change of Name for Adult

Refer to: G. L. c. 210, §§12-14
Refer to: Uniform Probate and Family Court Practice XXXV

Required at initial filing: 

Change of Name for Minor Child

Refer to: G. L. c. 210, §§12-14
Refer to: Uniform Probate and Family Court Practice XXXV

Required at initial filing: 

Appointment of Guardianship of Adult

Refer to: G.L. c. 190B, Article V

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Appointment of Guardianship of Minor

Refer to: G.L. c. 190B, Article V

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Petition for Conservatorship for Adult

Refer to: G.L. c. 190B, Article V

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Petition for Conservatorship for Minor

Refer to: G.L. c. 190B, Article V

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Petition for Grandparent Visitation

Refer to: G.L. c. 119, §39D

Required at initial filing: 

  • Petition for Grandparent(s) Visitation form (CJD 105)
  • Child Care or Custody Disclosure Affidavit. In cases involving a child, use this form to tell the court about any other open or closed cases involving the child.  You must file the Affidavit in cases involving the care, custody, visitation, or change of name of a child.  See Trial Court Rule IV for more details.  
    • Supplemental Child Care or Custody Disclosure Affidavit. In cases involving more than 4 children, use this form along with the Child Care or Custody Affidavit for additional space to tell the court about any other open or closed cases.  See Trial Court Rule IV for more details. 
  • If petitioner has an attorney: Uniform Counsel Certification Form (CCF)
  • An affidavit describing: how the grandparent(s) are involved with the grandchild(ren), what their relationship is like, and a description of how the child(ren) will be negatively impacted if there is no visitation

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

  • Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
    • Strongly recommended at time of initial filing
    • If unable to obtain a certified copy:
      • Motion to Order Release of Certified Copy of Birth Certificate to the Court, OR
      • Motion to File Late with supporting Affidavit or Verified Motion
  • Military Affidavit (TC0002) when the defendant does not file an answer or appearance, or does not appear on the hearing date

Petition for Adoption

Refer to: G.L. c. 210

Required at initial filing: 

Alert: These documents are not expressly required by statute or rule, but failure to collect these documents at the initiation will result in a citation being issued for notice to persons who have no legal right to notice.

  • Adoption Surrender form (G.L. c. 210, § 2)
    • If given by a legal parent; required to avoid service of citation on parent
  • Certified Copy of Termination of Parental Rights Decree
    • If entered against a legal parent; required to avoid service of citation on parent
  • Certified Copy of Death Certificate
    • If parent is deceased; required to avoid service of citation on deceased parent

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

  • Certified copy of Minor’s Birth Certificate
    • Strongly recommended at time of initial filing
    • The certified copy should be issued within six months of filing the petition
  • Certified copy of each Petitioner’s Birth Certificate
  • Court Activity Record Information (CARI) Record Check (CJP 34) for each petitioner and every other person over the age of 11 living in the household
    • This requirement does not include a legal parent of the adoptee
    • A CARI Release Request Form for the adoptee is required when the adoptee is over the age of 12
  • A Federal Register of Missing Children Report must be obtained from the Department of Children and Families (DCF), usually gathered by the court adoption clerk
  • An Agency Report/Home study is required only when the child is 14 years or younger
    • This requirement may be waived by the judge upon filing a Motion when one of the petitioners is the child’s legal parent
  • Motions to waive any of the requirements enumerated in G. L. c. 210, §5A, may be grouped into a single motion
    • A supporting affidavit filed by the petitioners may be used to support such a motion
  • Military Affidavit (TC0002) when the defendant does not file an answer or appearance, or does not appear on the hearing date

Filing a new subsequent action

The following forms are required to be filed with the court to start a new subsequent action.

Complaint for Contempt

Refer to: G.L. c. 215, §34

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

  • Military Affidavit (TC0002) when the defendant does not file an answer or appearance, or does not appear on the hearing date

Complaint for Modification of Alimony

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Complaint for Modification

Refer to: Massachusetts Law about Modifications

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Joint Petition for Modification

Refer to: Supplemental Probate and Family Court Rule 412

Required at initial filing: 

Removal of Guardian of a Minor

Refer to: G.L. c. 190B, Article V

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Resignation of Guardian of a Minor

Refer to: G.L. c. 190B, Article V

Required at initial filing: 

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Resignation of a Guardian and/or Conservator

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Termination of a Guardian/Conservator

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Removal of a Guardian

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

Removal of a Conservator

Additional filings:

These forms are not required at initial filing. These forms may need to be filed before the court can give you a hearing date or have your case heard by a judge. The division where you file can help answer questions on when these forms should be filed. 

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