Program Announcements
SMART Land Use Technical Session
On December 10, 2024, DOER hosted a virtual technical session to present the updated framework for land use and siting policy under the SMART program and collect initial feedback from stakeholders. The slides presented at the session can be found here.
SMART Straw Proposal
DOER published the 2024 SMART Straw Proposal on July 10, 2024. A recording of the webinar can be found below. The deadline to provide feedback on the Straw Proposal was August 2, 2024.
SMART Straw Proposal Webinar Recording
Following the SMART technical sessions, DOER published the Straw Proposal with clarifications.
The 2024 Straw Proposal is based on an quantitative and qualitative analysis conducted by Sustainable Energy Advantage, LLC. Both reports outlining these analyses can be seen below.
Evaluation of Solar Costs and Needed Incentive Levels Across Sectors from 2025-2030
Open Proceedings
Please visit the following pages for the most up-to-date information on open SMART proceedings:
D.P.U. 20-145-D Order on Phase II Revisions - June 2024
D.P.U. 20-145 SMART Tariff Notice of Filing
D.P.U. 20-145 Notice II and Order - August 2021
D.P.U. 20-145 Notice II and Extended Request for Public Comment and Order - September 2021
D.P.U. 20-145 Motion for Reconsideration and Clarification - January 2022
Regulation & General Information
The Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program is DOER's incentive program established to support the development of solar in Massachusetts. The DOER regulation in 225 CMR 20.00 sets the regulatory framework for the program. The tariff-based incentive is paid directly by the utility company to the system owner, following the approval of the application by the Solar Program Administrator and DOER.
The SMART Program is a 3,200 MW declining block incentive program. Eligible projects must be interconnected by one of three investor owned utility companies in Massachusetts: Eversource, National Grid, and Unitil. Each utility has established blocks that decline in incentive rates between each block.
Information on the Program Design and Launch can be found in the following presentation:
SMART Program Design and Launch
Notice: Declining Incentive Rates
Due to higher electricity rates and the declining incentive structure of the SMART program, some applications may receive an incentive payment rate of $0.00. Further information on which blocks this is occurring in is available here. In these instances, the Department advises solar installers work with their customers to evaluate the benefits of participating directly in the RPS market.
Application Website
CLEAResult was selected by the three participating electric distribution companies, Eversource, National Grid, and Unitil, to be the Solar Program Administrator. As the Solar Program Administrator, CLEAResult will review all applications submitted, and recommend approval of the application to DOER.
SMART Application Webinar Video
CLEAResult developed a program website with many program details and the link to the application. In addition, the website contains up to date information on remaining block capacity for each utility service territory. For more information, please visit the website at:
Program Guidelines
Application Process and Base Compensation Rates
The SMART application process, and how eligible Solar Tariff Generation Units are issued Statements of Qualification, can be found in the following Guideline. Updated October 31, 2024.
Statement of Qualification Reservation Period Guideline
Solar Tariff Generation Units are subject to certain siting rules, and are categorized based on the land use of the location and installation type. The following Guideline clarifies the categorization of projects based on siting, as well as how many projects may be qualified on a parcel or contiguous parcels. Updated January 2023.
Land Use, Siting, and Project Segmentation Guideline
Capacity Block Base Compensation Rates were set based on the results of the initial competitive procurement run in late 2017. The Base Compensation Rate for each Block can be found in the following Guideline. Updated January 2022.
Capacity Block, Base Compensation Rate, and Compensation Rate Adder Guideline
In some instances, qualified projects may need to be assigned a blended rate. DOER has created a Guideline outlining the instances where this may be required, and how the rate will be calculated. Updated October 2020.
Guideline on Establishing SMART Compensation Rates
DOER has created a Value of Energy and Incentive Calculator for Behind-the-Meter facilities. This calculator is intended to be a practical tool to calculate the Value of Energy and fixed incentive compensation rate for behind-the-meter systems. The calculation is based on project type, size, distribution company service territory, customer rate class, and capacity block. This workbook does not necessarily reflect the final tariff value a system will be qualified for, but is meant to be a tool to understand and estimate the value that a particular customer may receive under different scenarios. Updated January 2025.
NOTE: The BTM VOE workbook has incorporated the VOE for AOBC and Non-Net Metering projects. Currently, DOER and the Electric Distribution Companies continue to make necessary adjustments to the program for projects to apply for BTM AOBC or Non-Net Metering and will provide more information soon.
2025 BTM Value of Energy Workbook
The incentive payment effective date varies based on the Electric Distribution Company. The Electric Distribution Companies and DOER have created the following document to provide additional guidance. Updated April 2022.
SMART Incentive Payment Effective Dates
DOER has created a guideline to provide guidance on metering requirements for SMART qualified Solar Tariff Generation Units as well as paired Energy Shared Storage systems.
Energy Storage and Metering Guideline
Guidelines on Eligibility for SMART Adders
Energy Storage
Projects seeking the Energy Storage Adder can use the following Guideline to review eligibility criteria, and can use the Energy Storage Adder Calculator as a tool to estimate the adder value a certain project may be eligible for. Updated September 2021.
Energy Storage Adder Calculator
Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Unit
Projects seeking the Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Unit (ASTGU) Adder must apply for a predetermination letter. In preparing your ASTGU pre-determination form, it is highly recommended that you review the information and fact sheets available on the UMass Clean Energy Extension (CEE) website and contact the Extension with any questions regarding this information. Before submitting your final pre-determination form to DOER, submit a draft version of the form to CEE, at CEE will review the document with the Agricultural Extension staff and respond to the Applicant with any recommendations or comments regarding the proposal. Once CEE has reviewed the form, send the completed form to DOER at DOER will review all requests with the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources.
The historic development of the Guideline Regarding the Definition of Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Units, including highlights of changes made to the guideline can be reviewed HERE. The Definition of Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Units Guideline was updated April 2022 and June 2023.
Application for an ASTGU Predetermination Letter
Webinar explaining how to use Shading Analysis Tool
Definition of Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Units Guideline
Projects seeking the Brownfield Generation Unit Adder must apply for a predetermination letter from DOER at DOER will review all requests with the Department of Environmental Protection; the following provides guidance on the process for obtaining a letter. Updated May 2020.
Definition of Brownfield Guideline
Low Income and Low Income Community Solar
Solar Tariff Generation Units seeking the Low Income Property Adder, the Low Income Community Shared Solar Adder, or are 25kW or less and low income eligible can find eligibility criteria in the following Guideline. Updated September 2021.
Low Income Generation Units Guideline
Low Income Community Shared and Community Shared Solar Tariff Generation Units seeking to participate through a Municipal Aggregation or an Electric Distribution Company program can find additional requirements in the following Guideline. Updated September 2021.
Floating Solar Draft Guideline
Please find the draft Floating Solar Guideline here for the public comment period. There is a deadline to submit comments on 02/13/2025, by 5pm. In order to qualify as a Floating Solar Tariff Generation Unit, a Solar Tariff Generation Unit must submit documentation itemized in 225 CMR 20.06(1)(i). All final determinations regarding the eligibility of such facilities will be made by the Department, in consultation with MassDEP and the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game, or other state agencies as necessary, once the guideline is finalized.
Requests for Extensions and Exceptions
Information on how to submit a request for an exception or an extension under the SMART Program.
Program Compliance and Audits
Each year, the Department undertakes compliance checks to ensure that program participants are remaining in compliance with the SMART regulations and guidelines. More detailed information can be found on the SMART Compliance Reports and Audits page.
Consumer Protection & Disclosure Forms
Small System Customer Disclosure Forms must be submitted in the initial Statement of Qualification Application. The Community Solar Customer Disclosure Form must be submitted when seeking the Community Shared Solar or Low Income Community Shared Solar Adders in the final Statement of Qualification claim, or when a project is operational and seeking final approval and enrolling in the tariff. Each participant in a single project must sign a Community Shared Solar Customer Disclosure Form. Updated July 2023.
Community Solar Customer Disclosure Form
Community Solar Customer Disclosure Form Examples
Formulario de divulgación para participantes de SMART (Energía Solar Compartida Comunitaria)
Small System Customer Disclosure Form (Third-party Ownership)
Formulario de divulgación para participantes de SMART (Propiedad de terceros)
Small System Customer Disclosure Form (Direct Ownership)
Formulario de divulgación para participantes de SMART (Propiedad directa)
DOER has created the following Guideline to provide further information on the consumer protection requirements that must be provided by the Owner or Authorized Agent of SMART STGU to customers regarding costs and contract terms. It also details the auditing and enforcement processes DOER will conduct of SMART Statement of Qualification applications and applicants. Updated October 2020.
Alternative On-bill Credits
Eligible SMART projects that are interconnected as standalone systems, meaning they are not serving on site load behind the retail service meter, may receive energy compensation through Alternative On-bill Credits. The Alternative On-bill Credit was created with the SMART program to allow systems that are unable to receive net metering credits to be able to assign bill credits to other customer accounts, in the same way net metering credits can be used to virtually net meter. The Alternative On-bill Credit is unique to the SMART program, and does not have the same rules that apply to eligible net metered facilities. To answer some frequently asked questions about the Alternative On-bill Credit mechanism, DOER has created the following Guidance.
Metering Requirements
Information on utility specific metering requirements can be found on the SMART Program Resources webpage under Interconnection and Metering Information.
Program Data
Information on Approved, Qualified, and Under Review applications.
Sample Statements of Qualification
Qualified Solar Tariff Generation Units will be given a Statement of Qualification, demonstrating eligibility to participate in the SMART program.
Sample Behind the Meter Statements of Qualification:
Sample Standalone Statements of Qualification:
Contact Information
Contact DOER at:
Contact CLEAResult at:
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