The Department of Fire Services' Division of Fire Safety has forms and applications for local fire departments and for a variety of regulated industries including fire prevention forms, and forms for the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Program.
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- Department of Fire Services
Fire Safety Division Forms and Applications
Table of Contents
Fire Prevention Forms and Applications
Application for Permit to Perform Electrical Work for Electricians
Application for Permit to Perform Electrical Work for Institutions employing licensed electricians
License, certificate and permit holders must use this form to inform the Department of Fire Services of a change of address
License for storage of flammables and combustibles/LP Gas/Explosives/Fireworks for local licensing authority, municipal officials, town clerks & fire officials
Application for License to Store Flammables/Combustibles/LP Gas/Explosives/Fireworks for owners of AST, UST, Marinas or any other storage facility
Certificate of Registration for all owners of UST/AST, Marinas or any other storage facilities of explosives/fireworks/LP gas
Application for Standard Permit
Application to Transport Fireworks for licensed fireworks shooters
Application for new and renewal of Fireworks Certificate of Competency for applicants
Application for Certificate of Compliance for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms for property/real-estate owners and contractors
Permit for Installation of Carbon Monoxide Technical Options for property/real-estate owners and contractors
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Annual Certificate of Inspection/Maintenance & Testing for property/real-estate owners and contractors
Application for new and renewal of Special Effects Certificate of Competency for applicants
Firework Display Checklist for local fire departments
Magazine Permit Application for blasting companies
Application for Certificate of Competency for Cleaning/Inspecting Commercial Cooking Operations for applicants
Application for Certificate of Registration for Cleaning and Inspection of Commercial Cooking and Exhaust Systems
Commercial Cooking Complaint Form for local fire department use only
Renewal Application for Commercial Cooking Operations for applicants
Application/Permit for Supervised Display of Fireworks and/or Special Effects for licensed fireworks shooter or company
Application Permit for Special Effects for licensed firework shooters or companies
Post Fireworks Display Checklist for licensed fireworks shooters
Application/Permit for Cannon or Mortar Firing for persons with a current Certificate of Competency for Cannon/Mortar Firing
Cigarette Fire Investigation Checklist for local fire departments
Application for Certificate of Registration for On-Demand Fueling for Companies
Cargo Tank Inspection for the transportation of combustible liquids
Transportation Tank Inspection for the transportation of combustible liquids
Uniform Blasting Site Detail Check List for local fire departments
Form 1A Certificate of Compliance Oil Line Upgrades
Explosives Certificate of Competency for applicants
Explosives Certificate of Competency Renewal for applicants
Quarterly Fire Inspection - Innholder Licenses for local fire departments
Application for Portable Firing Trailer Inspections
Application for Electrical Firing Unit Inspection
Application for Pyrotechnic User Certificate for fireworks and special effects companies
Application for License to Sell Explosives for applicants
Application to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder for applicants
Application for Cannon/Mortar Certificate of Competency for applicants
Application for explosives user certificate for companies working with explosives in MA
Application for Certificate of Registration for Servicing Portable Fire Extinguishers and/or Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems for licensed fire suppression companies
Application for a New Fire Suppression Certificate of Competency for applicants
Application for Renewal of Fire Suppression Certificate of Competency for applicants
Application for Construction and Installation for anyone who wishes to construct and install an aboveground storage tank in excess of 10,000 gallon gross capacity, for the storage of fluids other than water
AST Approved Standard Declaration Form for an aboveground storage tank, in excess of 10,000-gallon gross capacity, for the storage of fluids other than water.
AST Use Permit Renewal Form for an aboveground storage tank, in excess of 10,000-gallon gross capacity, for the storage of fluids other than water.
Aboveground Storage Tank Multiple-Compartment Content Form for applicants completing FP-101 or FP-102
Aboveground Storage Tank Content Descriptions & Categories (for use with FP-100 series forms) for professional hired by tank owner to inspect
Aboveground Storage Tank Removal & Decommissioning Form for tank owners that are removing a tank, cleaning and placing a tank out of service, or converting to water storage
Mandatory report of all school fires - school principals must report to local fire department within 24 hours
Crowd Manager Fire and Building Safety Checklist for crowd managers
Receipt of Disposal of Underground Steel Storage Tank formerly containing motor fuel for approved tank yards
Application for removal and transportation of an underground storage tank for UST owners
Application Marine Fueling Permit for a Barge or Vessel for owners of barge or vessel marine fueling facilities
Application for Marine Fueling Permit for a Fixed Facility for owners of a fixed marine fueling facility
Marine Fueling Permit Application for a Mobile Facility for owners of a mobil marine fueling facility
Application for Tank Dismantling Yard
Blasting Regulatory Review Form for complainant
Waiver of Pre-Blast Inspection Survey for pre-blast inspection surveyor
Application for Permit to Process Hazardous Materials for responsible official at a facility that processes hazardous materials
Checklist Processing Hazardous Materials for local fire departments
Self Service Motor Fuel Facility Inspection Form for local fire departments
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Forms and Applications
Application to examine for First or Second Fireman, or First, Second or Third Engineer licenses.
Application to examine for Oil Burner Technician Certificate.
Application to examine for either Engineer - Special to Have Charge or Engineer - Special to Operate license.
Application to examine for a Certificate of Competency as an Inspector of Pressure Vessels in order to be employed as an insurance inspector in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
This form is used to request special accommodations for BPV license exams.
This form is used to request permit/inspection of a new installation of a pressure vessel (air tank).
This form is used to request permit/inspection of a new installation of a boiler.
This form is used to request periodic inspection of an existing boiler, pressure vessel or refrigeration system.
This form is used to request permit/inspection of a new installation of a refrigeration system.
This form is used to request an extension of the inspectional requirement for boilers and pressure vessels.
This form is to be used by anyone requesting variance from 522 CMR or ASME Code.
BPV-034 Boiler External Piping Report of Mechanical Repair
This form is used to submit a complaint against a holder of a BPV license.
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