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- This page, Miscellaneous Probate and Family Court forms, is offered by
- Probate and Family Court
- Massachusetts Court System
Miscellaneous Probate and Family Court forms
Table of Contents
Request for Copies
Use to order a copy of court record, such as a divorce judgment or a decree of guardianship. Request form & payment must be mailed to the court division where the case is/was docketed.
Child Care or Custody Disclosure Affidavit
In cases involving a child, use this form to tell the court about any other open or closed cases involving the child. You must file the Affidavit in cases involving the care, custody, visitation, or change of name of a child. See Trial Court Rule IV for more details (October 2024).
In cases involving more than 4 children, use this form along with the Child Care or Custody Affidavit for additional space to tell the court about any other open or closed cases. See Trial Court Rule IV for more details. (October 2024).
Request for Case Management Conference
Use to request Court's assistance in narrowing issues and promoting settlement of the case. Form number CJD-99, revised July 2007.
Early Case Settlement Conference (pursuant to Standing Order 2-17)
This form is for instructional purposes only & may be used by each party at a settlement conference. Any party or their attorney may elect to use their own format if it meets the requirements of the Standing Order.
A form for both parties in divorce, divorce modification or separate support cases to use to voluntarily request to participate in the Early Case Settlement Process. It must be filed within 60 days of filing the initial complaint.
For one or both parties when discovery is complete in divorce, divorce modification or separate support case to voluntarily request a settlement conference. Must be used when parties are participating in Early Case Settlement Process. The form may not display properly. Please download & open it with Acrobat Reader.
This form is used by either party to opt out of the Early Case Settlement Process. This form may not display properly in your browser. Please download the form and open it using Acrobat reader. Form number CJD-452, added 6/13/17.
Complaint for Judicial Review under G.L. c.119A, Section 17,
Use when seeking judicial review of a final administrative decision of the Department of Revenue, Child Support Services Division. Form number CJD-310, revised July 2007.
Limited Issues Settlement Conference Request
Form is used if the parents want help from the court to come to an agreement.
Notice of Appearance
Use this form to inform the court that you are appearing in a case to represent a party or yourself. (Updated 12/6/23)
Military Affidavit
Form to be filed (1) by plaintiff in civil matter before asking court to enter a default judgment against defendant who hasn't entered appearance and/or (2) if all heirs at law haven't assented or filed an appearance in an estate matter.
If you do not have a lawyer and are representing yourself in a case, use these simplified instructions to help you fill out the Military Affidavit form.
Use to request relief of a critical or emergency nature before a final judgment. This form is also available in Portuguese and Spanish. Click the link above to access the translations.
Assented to Motion for All Parties to Appear Remotely
Used to request an in-person hearing to be changed to a remote hearing.
Motion for Service by Alternate Means and Affidavit of Diligent Search
Use this form when (1) the address or whereabouts of a legal parent or court-appointed guardian is unknown; or (2) the address or whereabouts of a legal parent or court-appointed guardian is known, but service cannot be accomplished.
Uniform Counsel Certification
Certification that attorney discussed alternatives to litigation with clients. See Supreme Judicial Court Rule 1:18: Uniform Rules on Dispute Resolution for more information. Form CCF, revised July 2007.
Status Inquiry Form
Use to request status update when awaiting a decision that was taken under advisement (within time periods set forth in form). Effective May 10, 2019.
Joint Certification on Contested Motions/Contempts
This form may not display properly in your browser. Please download the form and open it using Acrobat reader. Form number CJD-447, effective June 16, 2014.
Motion to Waive Attendance at Two Families Now- Co-Parenting Education Course
Use if you think you should not be required to attend the parent education course and provide notice to the other side by sending them a copy.
Professional Parenting Time Supervisor
Statement of Payment (Pursuant to S.J.C. Rule 1:07)
Form number CJP-128.
Complaint for Dependency Pursuant to G. L. c. 119, § 39M
Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings. Form number CJP-35, effective 11/8/2024.
Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings. Form number CJP-42, effective 11/8/2024.
Judgment and Findings on Complaint for Dependency Pursuant to G. L. c. 119, § 39M
Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings. Form number CJP-37, effective 11/8/2024.
Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings. Form number CJP-38, effective 11/8/2024.
Request to Correct Clerical Error in Electronic Docket Entry (Trial Court Rule XIV, Rule 6)
For use in all Trial Court departments (rev. 1/24). This Rule is intended to allow parties and non-parties to alert the clerk to a potential clerical mistake only.
Filing of Impounded Information
For use in all courts. All filers must mark on this form all applicable confidentiality provisions, and identify the precise location of the confidential information within the document being filed. Submitting this form does not, by itself, guarantee compliance with any additional rules for handling impounded info.
Opt-In / Opt-Out for Electronic Notification
By signing this form, you are signing up to receive electronic text reminders and/or E-mail notification from the court.
By signing this form, you are withdrawing from receiving electronic text reminders and/or E-mail notification from the court.
Waiver of counsel forms
The Waiver of Counsel form is used if a party decides to proceed without counsel even though the party has a right to be represented by counsel under Massachusetts law. (Updated 9/8/23)
Additional information you may need
Complete if you want to receive, or to stop receiving, text-message reminders of court events. For use in Boston Municipal Court, District Court, Housing Court, Probate and Family Court, and Superior Court.
This Uniform Practice governs the use of computer-generated forms by counsel and parties.
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