Mobility Management and Transportation Coordination

It can be hard to navigate all the transportation services in a community, but these approaches can help.

In many regions of Massachusetts, transportation services are fragmented. Each of the services a rider can use may have a different phone number, different operating hours, and different eligibility guidelines. As a result, it can be difficult for riders to learn about services they could use, or to know which service to choose for a given trip.

Two tools that organizations can use to address these challenges are mobility management and coordination. Mobility managers are knowledgeable about all the transportation services in a community and can help individuals find rides. Coordination among transportation services can help create a more cohesive system that serves more riders, is easier to use, and is more efficient.

Regional Coordinating Councils on community transportation are voluntary coalitions that promote mobility management and transportation coordination by bringing together key organizations and stakeholders in different regions of Massachusetts.

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