Environmental Epidemiology Program

We protect the health of Massachusetts residents in several ways: by collecting data on diseases and conditions that could be related to exposure to environmental contaminants, by evaluating patterns of environmentally related diseases in the Commonwealth, and by making health and environmental information by community available to the public on our Environmental Public Health Tracking Program’s website.

Contact Us


(617) 624-5777


250 Washington St.
7th Floor
Boston, MA 02108

Who we serve

We work closely with other programs throughout the Department of Public Health to bring together the data and expertise needed to:

  • Identify health disparities among residents
  • Help community partners and others make data-informed decisions on community health needs and identifying opportunities for preventive action to protect the public’s health

Our data is available to the public, health professionals, and researchers through the internet and by request, while always ensuring the protection of privacy and confidentiality of health information. We actively partner with:

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Image credits:  Beaver Brook (Laurie Turner)

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