Shattuck Campus at Morton Street Planning

The Shattuck Hospital will be moving all of its hospital beds and services to the East Newton Pavilion in the South End in 2025.

In early 2020, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts completed a 12+ month vision planning process for the future use of the 13-acre Shattuck Campus in Jamaica Plain. This extensive engagement with a Community Advisory Board (CAB) resulted in the Vision Plan: Redevelopment of the Shattuck Campus at Morton Street. The Plan incorporates key principles and areas of consensus developed by the CAB and larger community for the Campus while recognizing that the use of the site is restricted to public health purposes, per the statute transferring Shattuck to the State (c. 770, 1949).

In December 2020, a Preliminary Project Proposal (PPP) was approved by the Asset Management Board. The PPP incorporates the Vision Plan goals, principles, and recommendations.

The Plan:
• Describes existing conditions;
• Summarizes the planning process and context (including community input);
• Summarizes the findings from a Health Needs and Services Assessment;
• Identifies Planning Principles and Design Goals;
• Provides recommendations for a program and service model that address the findings from Health Needs & Services Assessment.

In June 2021, the Asset Management Board (AMB) authorized a Request for Proposal (RFP) process based on the Vision Plan for the site. The Commonwealth released the RFP for the Shattuck Campus in June 2022 and received one response. See the link below to learn more about the RFP.

The AMB reviews and approves proposed projects that involve the long-term lease of real estate assets held by state agencies and enables a competitive disposition process, such as a Request for Proposals (RFP) process.

Public Health Needs and Opportunities Assessment

The Shattuck Campus at Morton Street planning process and Vision Plan was informed by a Public Health Needs and Opportunities Assessment. This report describes findings from the Assessment, which aimed to:

• Examine key health issues and risk factors for the area overall and by specific geographies and subpopulations, including populations that are disproportionately affected by existing and emerging health concerns and social issues;
• Understand the service landscape and gaps, with a focus on the populations currently being served at the Shattuck Campus; and,
• Inform strategic opportunities for the future of the Shattuck Campus.

During the Assessment process, HRiA engaged diverse perspectives and included a document review and an analysis of secondary and qualitative data gathered at community meetings, events and in key informant interviews.  A summary of the Public Health Needs and Opportunities Assessment is included in Chapter 4 of the Vision Plan.

Additional Resources

Shattuck Campus Public Health Needs and Opportunities Assessment FINAL (English, PDF 2.34 MB)

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