Entry-level Police Academy Training

Prior to exercising police powers in the Commonwealth, individuals must successfully complete the prescribed course of study for basic police training authorized by Municipal Police Training Committee.

The Municipal Police Training Committee sets the standards for basic police training for candidates hired by individual police departments throughout the Commonwealth. Those police departments submit applications for their employee (or sponsored candidate) to our recruit academies. Hiring practices vary by departments and certain departments, operating by Civil Service, must follow a selection process set forth by statute; while those departments not covered by Civil Service are free to design their own testing and selection process.

We suggest that you contact Civil Service or your local police department to discuss the hiring process within that community.

Contact Information


Boston PD Police Academy
85 Williams Avenue, Hyde Park, MA 02136
Cambridge / Northeastern Police Academy
360 Huntington Ave 100cp, Boston, MA 02115
Fitchburg State University Police Program
32 Clinton St. , Fitchburg, MA 01420
Lowell Police Academy
99 Middlesex St., Lowell, MA 01852
MBTA Transit Police Academy
85 Sea Street, Quincy, MA 02169
Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) Police Academy
670 West Boylston Street, Worcester, MA 01606
Springfield Police Academy
50 East St., Springfield, MA 01104
State Police Municipal Academy (SPMA) (Dormitories available)
340 West Brookfield Rd., New Braintree, MA 01531
Worcester PD Police Academy
9-11 Lincoln Square, Worcester, MA 01760



Boston Police Academy - Sergeant James Blake, Academy Director Email MPTC-authorized Full-time Police Academies at james.blake@pd.boston.gov
Cambridge Police Academy - Sergeant Beth Halloran, Academy Director Email MPTC-authorized Full-time Police Academies at bhallora@CambridgePolice.org
Lowell Police Academy - Sergeant Ryan Coyle, Academy Director Email MPTC-authorized Full-time Police Academies at rcoyle@lowellma.gov
MBTA Police Academy - Detective Paul Mabee, Academy Director Email MPTC-authorized Full-time Police Academies at pmabee@mbta.com
Springfield PD Police Academy - Captain David Kane, Academy Director Email MPTC-authorized Full-time Police Academies at dkane@springfieldpolice.net
State Police Municipal Academy (SPMA) - Sergeant Michael Goonan, Academy Director Email MPTC-authorized Full-time Police Academies at michael.goonan@mass.gov
Worcester Police Academy - Captain Jerry O'Rourke, Academy Director Email MPTC-authorized Full-time Police Academies at orourkejf@worcesterma.gov

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