• This page, How to complete and submit or view the PT-1 online, is   offered by
  • MassHealth

How to complete and submit or view the PT-1 online

Instructions for completing and submitting or viewing the PT-1 form online

MassHealth Customer Service for Providers

The Details   of How to complete and submit or view the PT-1 online

What you need   for How to complete and submit or view the PT-1 online

To complete and submit the PT-1 online, you will need an account. 

How to submit   How to complete and submit or view the PT-1 online

  1. From the homepage menu, click Submit PT-1 (See section on Logging In)
  2. Search for member using the MassHealth Member ID or the name and date of birth. Click Search
  3. Verify the member's information in the next screen.
    If you need to select a different MassHealth member, click Clear and Search again.
    If the desired member is listed review the Eligible for Transportation field; if the member is not eligible, check your entry or use the member and date of birth search to confirm eligibility.
    If the member is not eligible for Transportation you will not be able to proceed. Please click on the radio button under the ‘Select’ field.
    If the member is listed and to confirm the MassHealth member information is correct, select Yes.
    If the member information is incorrect, or the member needs to be picked up from alternate address, make the necessary changes, and then click Next.
  4. Select the PT-1 submitter from the list of providers linked to your account.
  5. Confirm if the treating provider is the same or not
    1. If the treating provider is different, select No and in the next screen search for the treating provider by NPI number or last name and the zip code. Find the treating provider, confirm the corresponding address or if the treatment address is different enter the desired address in the appropriate fields.
    2.  If the submitting provider and treating provider are the same, confirm the corresponding address or if the treatment address is different enter the desired address in the appropriate fields. Click Next
  6. In the next screen, select a treatment type
    1) Day Hab
    2) Early Intervention
    3) SUD or
    4) Other.
    If you choose other, select the corresponding ICD-10 diagnosis code from the list provided. Enter frequency and duration of treatment. To continue, you must confirm the attestation. Click Next
  7. In the next screen, answer all the questions related to member’s accommodations. Click Next
  8. Review and verify the information displayed in the Trip Summary screen. To change any of the information, click Edit. To continue, you must select all the attestations and click Submit.
  9. In the PT-1 Request Confirmation screen, you will be given a PT-1 number, the status will be either authorized or pending.  Keep this number for your records. The member will receive a letter approving or denying the request.

Next steps   for How to complete and submit or view the PT-1 online

View an existing PT-1

  1. Log into MassHealth Customer Web Portal (See section on Logging In)
  2. Click Search PT-1.
  3. From the PT-1 requester PIDSL dropdown, select your provider number and enter any other identifying information in the applicable fields.
  4. Click Search to display all your PT-1 requests.
  5. Click View next to the desired PT-1 Request.

Contact   for How to complete and submit or view the PT-1 online

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