About CZM

Find an overview of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and links to details about the agency.

CZM is the lead policy and planning agency on coastal and ocean issues within the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA). A team of multi-disciplinary professionals working in a range of program areas implements CZM's mission—to balance the impact of human activities with the protection of coastal and marine resources through planning, public involvement, education, research, and sound resource management. CZM receives annual federal grant funds from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as authorized by the Coastal Zone Management Act. As a networked program with a strong regional and local role, CZM emphasizes coordination, collaboration, and partnerships to address coastal issues.

Links to Additional Information

  • Featured CZM Website Content (with highlighted web pages/products and links to featured material such as COASTSWEEP beach cleanups Federal Consistency Review; Coast Guide Online maps of public beaches, boat rams, and more; and Coastal Landscaping)
  • CZM Regions, Coastal Communities, and Coastal Zone Boundary - Descriptions and a map of the coastal zone boundary, CZM’s five regions, a listing of the 78 coastal communities they serve, and information on assistance provided to other communities. Also see the Story Map Tours of the Massachusetts Coast to find photos and some highlights of coastal habitats, state parks and sanctuaries, ports and harbors, recreational beaches and waterfront access, and more in each of the five CZM Regions
  • CZM Policy Guide - The official program policies of the Massachusetts coastal program, along with information on the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, the history and operation of the Massachusetts coastal program, federal consistency review, and the application of coastal policy in other state regulatory programs.
  • Section 309 Assessment and Five-Year Strategy for CZM Program Enhancement (2021-2025) (PDF, 1 MB) - Section 309 of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act establishes a voluntary enhancement grants program for states to develop and implement changes to their federally approved Coastal Management Programs in one or more of these areas: Wetlands, Coastal Hazards, Public Access, Marine Debris, Cumulative and Secondary Impacts, Special Area Management Planning, Energy and Government Facility Siting, Ocean and Great Lakes Resources, and Aquaculture. CZM developed this document to evaluate and identify program needs and outline a five-year strategy for achieving program changes and associated implementation objectives. The proposed strategy covers the federal fiscal years from 2021 to 2025 and serves as an update to the previous Section 309 Assessment and Strategy published in 2015.
  • Major Regulatory Programs Involving CZM (including Federal Consistency Review) - An overview of the federal consistency review process (which gives CZM jurisdiction to review federal projects affecting the Massachusetts coast to ensure they meet state policies); links to other CZM regulatory programs (i.e., the Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan, Municipal Harbor Plans, Designated Port Areas, and Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act); and links to CZM implementing regulations, the official coastal zone boundary, the CZM Policy Guide, descriptions of major Massachusetts environmental permits, and the major decisions and notices published by CZM.
  • CZM History - A brief summary of CZM’s evolution since the passage of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act in 1972.
  • CZM Technical Assistance - A description of the assistance available to help local officials, businesses, coastal homeowners, and others make the best possible choices about coastal issues.
  • Jobs and Grants - Information on employment opportunities and available grants from CZM.
  • CZM Public Notices and Comment Opportunities - Links to these listings from CZM.
  • Featured Content on the CZM Website - Highlighted web pages/products, quick links to featured material, and seasonal links from CZM.
  • CZM Publications - A full list of CZM publications, maps, and more with summaries and links.
  • CZM Press Releases - An index of CZM press releases published since 2015.
  • CZ-Mail - CZM’s monthly electronic newsletter.
  • CZM Years in Review - Links to annual publications highlighting CZM’s major accomplishments.
  • Contact CZM - Links to information on how to contact CZM and its staff members.
  • CZM Staff Directory - An alphabetical listing of CZM staff with their contact information.
  • CZM Public Records Requests - Information on  how to request and access public records from CZM.
  • EEA Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedure - EEA's Notice of Nondiscrimination, Title VI Grievance Plan.
  • Directions - Directions to the CZM office in Boston and the four regional offices.
  • CZM Website Help - Tips on how to find information from CZM on the Mass.gov website.

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