Featured CZM Content

Find highlighted web pages and quick links to featured material from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).

Highlighted CZM Web Pages and Products

  • ResilientCoasts Initiative - A new effort led by CZM to create a holistic strategy for addressing the impacts of climate change along the coastline of Massachusetts.
  • StormSmart Coasts - This national model developed by CZM is designed to help communities and homeowners address coastal erosion, storm damage, flooding, and related issues.
  • Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Viewer - This tool provides interactive maps of potential coastal flooding of public facilities and infrastructure based on: sea level rise scenarios, Federal Emergency Management Agency coastal flood zones, and hurricane surge models.
  • Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan - The 2008 Oceans Act required EEA to develop a comprehensive ocean management plan and update it every 5 years. CZM has led this planning process on behalf of EEA.
  • COASTSWEEP - CZM organizes this statewide beach cleanup. Thousands of volunteers throughout Massachusetts turn out each year for this event, which is part of an international campaign organized by Ocean Conservancy in Washington, DC.
  • Coast Guide Online - This interactive map developed by CZM for use on mobile phones and tablets, as well as desktop computers, includes more than 1,900 sites along the Massachusetts coast that are owned by government agencies and nonprofits and open to the public—from long, sandy beaches and rocky shores to small rights-of-way and public landings.
  • Massachusetts Ocean Resource Information System (MORIS) - MORIS is CZM's official data portal and allows users to create customized maps with a variety of data layers related to the Massachusetts coastal zone and nearshore ocean, including tide gauge stations, coastal access points, eelgrass beds, Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan data, and many others. In addition, MORIS users can share and print maps, download Geographic Information System (GIS) data, explore topic-specific online viewers and story maps, and find links to other mapping and coastal data resources.
  • CZM Policy Guide - The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management Policy Guide is the official statement of the Massachusetts coastal program policies and legal authorities. Along with the official program policies, it provides information on the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, the history and operation of the Massachusetts coastal program, federal consistency review, and the application of coastal policy in other state regulatory programs.
  • Coastal Landscaping - Landscaping with native plants can help coastal property owners prevent storm damage and erosion, provide wildlife habitat, and reduce coastal water pollution. This website presents detailed information on the benefits of coastal landscaping, step-by-step instructions, plant lists and photos, sample landscape plans, permitting information, and more.
  • Story Map Tours of the Massachusetts Coast - As part of the routine review of the Massachusetts coastal program by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office for Coastal Management in April 2021, CZM created this story map collection. It includes an overview of the entire 1,500-mile coastline, along with a story map of each of CZM’s five regions with some highlights of coastal habitats, state parks and sanctuaries, ports and harbors, recreational beaches and waterfront access, and more.

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