Appliance Energy and Water Efficiency Standards

State policy that sets energy and water efficiency standards for appliances.

An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy was signed by Governor Baker on March 26, 2021.  Energy and water efficiency standards for 15 new products were a key policy adopted in this bill.  Massachusetts had standards for other products prior to the passage of the act, but the earlier standards were preempted by federal government regulations. 

Appliance efficiency standards are the best energy and climate policy you’ve never heard of.  They drive large savings of energy and water for a very low cost by barring the statewide sale of less efficient products.  The result is a transformed market where more efficient products are all that may legally be sold.  

Covered Products

The Climate Act added new energy and water efficiency standards for the following products: 

  1. commercial hot-food holding cabinets 

  1. computers and computer monitors 

  1. state-regulated general service lamps 

  1. high CRI (color rendering index) fluorescent lamps 

  1. plumbing fittings 

  1. plumbing fixtures 

  1. portable electric spas 

  1. water coolers 

  1. residential ventilating fans 

  1. commercial ovens 

  1. commercial dishwashers 

  1. commercial fryers 

  1. commercial steam cookers 

  1. spray sprinkler bodies 

  1. electric vehicle supply equipment 

Compliance for Appliance Manufacturers

DOER has posted instructions for manufacturers to comply with the January 1, 2022 prohibition on shipments of non-compliant products to Massachusetts.  Changes were made to the certification process for certain products in November of 2022.

DOER hosted two informational webinars in March of 2023 to provide regulated parties with information they need to comply with the law and answer questions.  Video recordings of the session are available at:

NEW! Compliance for Sellers and Installers

Beginning January 1st, 2023, products in the covered categories may only be sold or installed in Massachusetts if they are certified by their manufacturer as compliant with 225 CMR 9.00.  To ensure that you are selling or installing compliant products, check DOER’s Compliance for Sellers and Installers page for detailed instructions for how to comply.

DOER hosted two informational webinars in March of 2023 to provide regulated parties with information they need to comply with the law and answer questions.  Video recordings of the session are available at:


Beginning January 1st, 2023, anyone may notify DOER of a potential violation of 225 CMR 9.00.  Regulated parties include manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and installers of the products listed.  More information about what these parties can and cannot do under the regulation and how to report a potential violation can be found  at DOER’s Enforcement page.

Guideline Process

DOER has released its final Guideline Interpreting 225 CMR 9.00 (Appliance Efficiency Standards) providing additional detail about how the regulation will be implemented (effective immediately for manufacturers and effective January 1, 2023 for sellers and installers of products in the regulation).  The Guidelines specify the requirements for all regulated parties including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and installers of the product types in the Regulation and how DOER will enforce those requirements.  DOER incorporated public feedback on the Guideline from the Summer of 2022.

To get alerts about updates to Appliance Standards, sign up for the DOER Appliance Standards Email list.

Regulatory Process

DOER published updates to the appliance standards regulation on 12/24/2021 in the Massachusetts Register; the version provided here is unofficial.

Contact   for Appliance Energy and Water Efficiency Standards


100 Cambridge St., 9th Floor, Boston, MA 02114

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