DCR Office of Water Resources

Focused on understanding and protecting the water resources of the Commonwealth for the people and habitats that depend on them

There are four program areas that help ensure Massachusetts has plentiful water and clean water bodies for recreation and habitat.

Annual Report

FY21 DCR OWR Annual Report Cover

The Office of Water Resources annual report provides an overview of OWR programs and highlights of key initiatives for the year.

FY21 OWR Annual Report

Drought Management Task Force (DMTF)

The Drought Management Task Force serves citizens, businesses, and farms throughout Massachusetts by collecting information and making recommendations for drought management to the Secretary of EEA, the Secretary of Public Safety and Security, and the Governor.

Flood Hazard Management Program

The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Flood Hazard Management Program (FHMP) is the State Coordinating Office for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Interbasin Transfer Act

The Office of Water Resources provides technical and administrative staff to the Massachusetts Water Resources Commission, which administers the Interbasin Transfer Act.

Lakes and Ponds Program

Our Lakes and Ponds Program works primarily in the DCR State Park system to protect, manage and restore our valuable aquatic resources.

Water Data Tracking

The DCR collects data on monthly water conditions, precipitation levels, and drought levels. You can view this data and helpful hints on water conservation.

Additional Resources

Water Needs Forecast Policy and Methodology

The Office of Water Resources develops water needs forecasts for public water suppliers and communities seeking increased water withdrawals under the Water Management Act (WMA) and for other purposes as deemed appropriate by the Water Resources Commission.

For information about this policy and methodology, please contact

Anne Carroll   anne.carroll@state.ma.us    (617) 626-1395 

Additional Resources

Ipswich Targeted Watershed Project

Nine low-impact development (LID) and water conservation demonstration projects implemented to help improve low streamflow conditions in the Ipswich River watershed.

Additional Resources

Contact   for DCR Office of Water Resources

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