DCR Programs and Events

Learn about programs and events in state parks. Come out and play!

Come out and play in your Massachusetts State Parks and enjoy a fantastic array of family friendly programs and experiences for all ages.  Enjoy guided experiences or create a park adventure on your own.  There is so much to enjoy and explore in your state parks.

Table of Contents

Interpretive Programs

girl with binoculars

Most interpretive programs are seasonal and several parks have educational and community programs throughout the year. Inclement weather may cancel. Call the park for a list of coming events and programs, or visit DCR Park Interpretive Programs and Events.

Parking fees may apply.

Adaptive Program Schedule

Our main winter program season runs from November through March, and our main summer season runs from June through September. If you would like to get on our mailing list to be notified of upcoming events and activities, please contact us.

Check out the  Adaptive Program Schedule for dates and times

Self-guided Opportunities

Boston Area 

Beaver Brook Reservation

Charles River Reservation

Chestnut Hill Reservation

Upper Charles River Reservation

Central MA

Blackstone River and Canal Heritage State Park

Brimfield State Forest

Callahan State Park

Douglas State Forest

Erving State Forest

J. Harry Rich

Leominster State Forest

Moore State Park

Mount Grace State Forest

Mount Watatic State Reservation

Nashua River Rail Trail

Otter River State Forest

Pearl Hill State Forest

Quabbin Park & Reservoir

Upton State Forest

Wachusett Mountain State Reservation

Wells State Park

Wendell State Forest

Willard Brook State Forest

Northeast MA

Great Brook Farm State Park

Halibut Point State Park

Harold Parker State Forest

Maudslay State Park

Middlesex Fells State Reservation

Salisbury Beach State Reservation

  • Nature Trail Introductory Walk -Although less than a mile, the self-guided nature trail offers opportunities to explore the barrier beach and salt marsh environments. Trail extends from near the dump station and parallels “Z” St., ending near the boat ramp.

Walden Pond State Reservation

Southeast MA

Blue Hills Reservation        Houghtons Pond Recreation Area

F.Gilbert Hills State Forest

Freetown-Fall River State Forest

Manuel F. Correllus State Forest

Massasoit State Park

Myles Standish State Forest

Nickerson State Park

Wompatuck State Forest

Western MA

Beartown State Forest

Chester-Blandford State Forest

Chicopee Memorial State Park

Clarksburg State Park

Connecticut River Greenway State Park

DAR State Forest

Fountain Pond State Park

Granville State Forest

Great Falls Discovery Center

Greylock Glen

Jug End State Reservation

Kenneth Dubuque State Forest

Mount Greylock State Reservation

Mount Holyoke Range State Park

Mount Sugarloaf State Reservation

Mount Tom State Reservation

Mount Washington State Forest

Mohawk Trail State Forest

Natural Bridge State Park

Norwottuck Rail Trail

October Mountain State Forest

Pittsfield State Forest

Sandisfield State Fores (York Lake)

Savoy Mountain State Forest

Tolland State Forest

Accessible Trails

There are many different types of accessible trails in Massachusetts state parks. Any rail trail offers you a paved, level experience for access to natural areas and exercise. Several parks also offer accessibly-designed hiking trails in scenic, natural settings. These accessible trails are either paved or made from stone dust and are usually under a mile long.

Visit the DCR Universal Access Program Accessible Trails for more information

Fun in Nature

Investigate! Fun in Nature downloadable activities to enhance your experience at any DCR park!    Activities include seek and find scavenger hunts to awaken all of your senses, a conversation starter set to encourage talks along the trail and creating your own story cube to inspire story- telling!

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