Early Intervention (EI) Regional Consultation Programs

Specialty Services for children with complex medical needs or multiple disabilities in Early Intervention (EI)

Table of Contents


The Department of Public Health (DPH) created 6 Regional Consultation Programs (RCPs) to help families access additional services for children enrolled in EI who have complex medical needs or multiple disabilities. Each EI program in Massachusetts has an assigned RCP Coordinator. The RCPs are located in the West, Central, Northeast, Southeast, Metro West, and Boston regions. EI service coordinators discuss RCP services with families. If the family is interested, they follow a referral process to the RCP Coordinator.

Services RCPs provide to children with complex medical needs and their families:

  • Resource information and referrals
  • Family events, parent networking opportunities and trainings
  • Access to adaptive equipment and assistive technology
  • Respite funds when available
  • Home visits for resource and referral consultation; follow up as needed
  • Additional support at transition
  • Ongoing opportunities for family networking and support

Find an Early Intervention Regional Consultation Program

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Contact   for Early Intervention (EI) Regional Consultation Programs


Emily White, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA, Director, Early Intervention Division Email Early Intervention Division at


For business inquiries


250 Washington St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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