Final Observations and Recommendations of the GMAC
Pursuant to G.L. c. 164, §§ 92B and 92C, the Grid Modernization Advisory Council (GMAC) provided its recommendations to the electric distribution companies (EDCs) on their first draft electric-sector modernization plans (ESMPs) on November 20, 2023. The Final GMAC Report includes the Observations and Recommendations of the Grid Modernization Advisory Council, including the Memorandum of the GMAC Equity Working Group, and other appendices.
This document was voted on and approved by the GMAC on November 16, 2023.
The GMAC thanks the stakeholders, EDCs, Equity Working Group, consultants, and many others who assisted in the review of the ESMPs and creation of this report, and looks forward to the Department of Public Utilities’ review of these plans.
Final ESMP Information
- Final ESMP Filings Submitted to DPU on January 29, 2024
- ESMP Procedural Schedule
- For up-to-date information on the ESMP proceedings and events, please visit the Department of Public Utilities Electric Sector Modernization Plan Resources website.
DPU Final Order on ESMPs
The inaugural ESMPs were approved with modifications on August 29, 2024.
GMAC Consultant Prepared Documents
Draft ESMP Information
- Draft GMAC Report – 11/3/23
- Memorandum of the Equity Working Group – 11/3/23
- ESMP Drafts Submitted to GMAC on September 1, 2023
- EDC Submitted Metrics
- Background Information
- ESMP Outline
GMAC ESMP Review Schedule
- The 2022 Climate Law gives the GMAC 80 days to review and provide recommendations on the ESMPs. In 2023, the EDCs submitted draft ESMPs to the GMAC on September 1. The GMAC reviewed these plans in sections over the course of the fall. The calendar below highlights all GMAC meetings and technical sessions that led up to the GMAC submitting recommendations to the EDCs on November 20.
- During the GMAC's review of the ESMP sections, GMAC members and the GMAC consultants submitted questions, comments, and recommendations by EDC, section, and subsection in standardized spreadsheets. These were compiled by DOER staff and the consultant team and formed the basis for higher-level summaries on each ESMP section. GMAC members could express agreement or disagreement, and the EDCs had an opportunity to submit responses. Consolidated spreadsheets are published below for each review section. In total, almost 700 entries were received, shaping the observations and recommendations in the GMAC Final Report.
- 9/14/23: Stakeholder Engagement, Current State, 5–10-year forecast (Chapters 3, 4, 5)
- 9/28/23: 5–10-year solutions, Reliable & Resilient, Workforce, Economic, & Health Benefits (Chapters 6, 10, 12)
- 10/12/23: 2035-2050 Drivers and Solution, Gas-Electric Planning (Chapters 8, 9, 11)
- 10/26/23: Executive Summary, Climate Act Compliance, 5-year ESMP, Conclusion (Chapters 1, 2, 7, 13)
- 11/9/23: Discuss draft recommendations
- 11/16/23: Finalize recommendations
- This timeline outlines the ESMP and GMAC processes pursuant to G.L. c. 164, §§ 92B and 92C.
Additional Resources
Clean Energy Incentives:
- Massachusetts Energy Rebates and Incentives Repository
- Massachusetts Clean Energy Center “Clean Energy Lives Here”
- Electric Vehicles Incentives and Rebates
- The Barr Foundation Clean Energy Grants
Energy Affordability:
- Department of Public Utilities Investigation into Energy Burden
- Help Paying Your Utility Bill
- Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)
- 15 Things To Do Now To Winterize Your Home
- 6 Ways To Save Energy All Year
- U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Saving Tips website
Municipal/Regional Planning:
- DOER Green Communities Division
- DOER Leading By Example Division (for state agencies and public colleges/universities)
- Worcester Community Action Council
- Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Grid Modernization: