The Energy Burden in Massachusetts

On January 4, 2024, the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) voted to open an inquiry to examine energy burden with a focus on energy affordability for residential ratepayers. Please see the Notice of Inquiry by the Department of Public Utilities on its own Motion into Energy Burden with a Focus on Energy Affordability for Residential Ratepayers, D.P.U. 24‑15, Vote and Order Opening Inquiry (January 4, 2024) (“Opening Order”).
In the Opening Order, the DPU provided background on these issues, an overview of the current methods that the DPU uses to address energy affordability, and a variety of questions seeking input on how the DPU can reduce the energy burden and address affordability issues. The DPU encouraged all interested persons to participate in this proceeding by supplying written comments on this topic by March 1, 2024. Links to Opening Order, the Notice, and other documents related to this inquiry are available below. Please also see the press release issued by the DPU, available in 简体中文 | Kreòyl ayisyen | Português, Brasil | Español.
After receiving over 100 comments from various stakeholders and following the virtual workshop held on June 24, 2024, the DPU issued an interlocutory order with focused questions on areas of consensus to seek input on these issues. The DPU seeks written comments on any or all of the above-noted issues and questions by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, November 1, 2024. We encourage interested persons to present consensus positions and submit comments jointly, when possible. All comments should be submitted to the Department in electronic format by e-mail attachment to and
The text of the e-mail must specify:
The docket number of the proceeding (D.P.U. 24-15);
The name of the person or entity submitting the filing; and
That the document is a written comment.
The electronic filing should also include the name, title, and telephone number of a person to contact in the event of questions about the filing. All documents submitted in electronic format will be posted to the DPU's File Room.
Additional Resources
How to Comment
The DPU seeks input from residents whose budgets are strained from paying their utility bills while trying to make ends meet, as well as other stakeholders. Please send written comments and questions by Friday, November 1, 2024, to and Please specify the docket number for the NOI (D.P.U. 24-15), your name or entity submitting the comment, and that the document is a written comment. You do not need to submit your comments in PDF.
The DPU strongly encourages comments and documents to be submitted via email. However, if you are unable to send written comments in email form, you can send a paper copy to Mark D. Marini, Secretary, Department of Public Utilities, One South Station, Boston, MA 02110.
Additional Resources
Open PPTX file, 3.76 MB, RMI Presentation (PPTX 3.76 MB)