November 2016 Summit
The focus of this Summit was Looking Ahead to 2017 and Beyond. John Auerbach, MBA, Associate Director for Policy, Acting Director, Office for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provided the keynote address, entitled, A Population Health Approach in a Time of Change. Participants heard from Mr. Auerbach about population health frameworks including the Three Buckets of Prevention, and CDC’s 6І18 and HI-5 Initiatives.
The Massachusetts Coordinated Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Plan was written in 2012 with a five-year outlook. As we are approaching the close of the five-year period, we asked the Partnership to reflect on what has been accomplished, and look ahead to the important work to be done. With this charge, the Communities of Practice met in their respective groups to discuss next steps in the context of the lessons shared by John Auerbach, and planning for the Partnership’s future.
February 2016 Summit
The objectives of the summit, Anatomy of a Movement: Lessons from Massachusetts Healthcare Reform, were for participants to gain an understanding of the essential elements that comprise a movement; delve into healthcare reform in Massachusetts as a case study; learn skill-building and share tools that can be used for advancing a movement; and have an opportunity to work within Communities of Practice to “write their own story,” to help promote the sustainability of their work.
A panel provided insight into the healthcare reform movement in the Commonwealth. The speakers at the morning panel were Lindsey Tucker, Associate Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health; Susan Sherry, Deputy Director of Community Catalyst; Fawn Phelps, Instructor and Director of Leadership Development at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Audrey Shelto, President of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation; and Tyrek Lee, Vice President of Local 1199 of the Service Employees International Union (United Healthcare Workers East).
The afternoon continued with two workshops: Taking Inventory of Your Campaign Assets; and Building and Sustaining Powerful Coalitions. Participants were encouraged to combine the perspective and knowledge of the panelists with the material from the workshops, and apply them to their own efforts to impact public health across the Commonwealth.
September 2014 Summit
The focus of this Summit was Achieving Health Equity through Community-Clinical Linkages. Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, deputy chief medical officer of the American Heart Association, provided the keynote address, entitled Optimizing Health for All: Science, Systems, and Sanity. Participants heard from a panel of insurers on the role payers can play in health equity and prevention of chronic disease. The Communities of Practice reported on their progress to date and encouraged new members to join. Attendees participated in an interactive activity called Why is Chris in the Hospital, to start thinking and talking more broadly about health equity. To close the day, Jeff Harness, director of Integrated Care and Population Health at Cooley-Dickinson Hospital, delivered a presentation on the Affordable Care Act and Hospital Community Benefit.
Additional Resources
June 2013 Summit
The focus of this CoP summit, Putting It All Together: Encouraging Collaboration among Communities of Practice, was to share and link the work of the Communities of Practice. Each group provided updates on its efforts, and then collaborated with other CoPs to share successes, challenges, and ideas for further integration. A common theme throughout the full-day program was the importance of linking community and clinical initiatives, and efforts in reducing the burden of disease in Massachusetts.
Additional Resources
January 2013 Summit
Materials from the January 2013 Partnership Summit: