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MassHealth members who need assistance with food or housing

If you are a MassHealth member enrolled in an Accountable Care Organization (ACO), your ACO may be able to help you with food and housing. These food and housing services are called Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Services.

Your ACO may be able to provide you with HRSN Services through local organizations in your community. Each ACO offers two or more of the HRSN Services listed below. You can check this list to see the HRSN Services that each ACO offers.

Please reach out to your ACO directly to learn more about what HRSN Services your ACO offers and if they are available to you. See this list of ACO Contacts to find contact information for your ACO.

If you need extra help understanding your MassHealth coverage, contact My Ombudsman. Free support is available in many languages.

Table of Contents

List of HRSN Services (Each ACO offers a subset of these services)

Nutrition Services

  • Medically Tailored Home Delivered Meals: These are prepared meals for people with specific health needs. Meals are made to best support a person’s specific health needs and are delivered to that person.
  • Nutritionally Appropriate Home Delivered Meals: These are prepared meals that are good for a person’s health. Meals are delivered to the person who needs them.
  • Medically Tailored Food Boxes: These are healthy groceries that are picked for a person’s specific health needs.
  • Nutritionally Appropriate Food Boxes: These are healthy groceries. Often, they are a box of fruits and vegetables. 
  • Medically Tailored Food Prescriptions and Vouchers: These are gift cards for buying groceries that are for a person’s specific health needs. 
  • Nutritionally Appropriate Food Prescriptions and Vouchers: These are gift cards for buying healthy groceries.
  • Nutrition Counseling: This service can help a person learn how to eat healthier.
  • Kitchen Supplies: This service will buy cooking supplies for a person to help them eat healthier.
  • Nutrition Education Classes and Skills Development: This service teaches a person about how to eat healthier.

Housing Services

  • Housing Search: This service can help a person who is living in a shelter or on the streets find and move into housing.
  • Transitional Goods: This service can help a person pay for the first month of rent, security deposit, and some furniture and furnishings. This service is for a person who was experiencing homelessness but is now moving into a home.
  • Housing Navigation: This service can help a person who is having housing problems to talk to their landlord, get legal help, or find a new place to live.
  • Healthy Homes: This service can help a person buy things and fix problems in a person’s home to make it healthier for them.

Additional Resources

There may be other resources that can help you:

Housing Resources

If you are a member experiencing homelessness, MassHealth has special rules to help you.

Nutrition Resources

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP – formerly Food Stamps) is a federal assistance program that provides healthy food and helps connect families to opportunities that support their wellbeing and their education and employment goals.

The Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) provides healthy foods, breastfeeding support, and referrals to healthcare and other services to eligible MassHealth families.

Resources for Families

MassHealth has specific services and benefits for children younger than 19, including 12 months of continuous coverage from the day they’re approved. Check out MassHealth for Children and Young Adults for more details.

If you are pregnant, make sure to tell MassHealth. You could be eligible for more services, including access to doula services. Check out Information for Pregnant MassHealth Members for more details. Pregnant members are eligible for continuous coverage throughout their pregnancy and up to 12 months postpartum.

Resources for Members Recently Released from Jail or Prison

If you are a MassHealth member recently released from jail or prison, MassHealth has special rules to help you and make sure you stay covered. MassHealth provides continuous coverage 12 months for members recently released from jail or prison.

Contact   for MassHealth members who need assistance with food or housing


Check out MyServices, an easy-to-use web tool and mobile app for all MassHealth members, with information about benefits, coverage, and more. MyServices 


Self-service is available 24 hours a day in English and Spanish. Other services are available Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Interpreter service is available during those hours.

Date published: January 8, 2025

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