Overview of Capital Grants
Capital grant is made available through the Governor's Capital Investment Plan and is appropriated to the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). The Healey-Driscoll Administration's FY24 - FY28 Capital Investment Plan increased these grants by $4 million a year for 4 years.
EEC partners with the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC) and Mass Development, to award grants to EEC-licensed large group early education, out of school time programs and Family Child Care programs. The Capital grants provide matching funds that leverage private investment.
All programs selected to receive a Capital grant award serve publicly subsidized families, have demonstrated financial need.
In fiscal year 2024, as part of the Administration's whole-of-government approach to addressing the climate crisis, EEC is prioritize projects that focus on clean energy and decarbonization. Projects that include security enhancements to prevent and respond to potential threats, such as active shooters and installation of security cameras and access control systems, will also be prioritized.
Capital Fund Projects
Since 2013, the Capital grant program has awarded over $51.4 million to help fund over 100 projects.
Funding supports renovations and construction projects to expand capacity and improve the quality and accessibility of learning environments for children, ensuring they have safe, inclusive, and developmentally appropriate spaces to learn, play and grow.
The grant allows for a variety of improvements including, but not limited to, modifications to improve indoor air quality, emergency repairs such as roof replacement or upgrading electrical or security systems, and physical environment modifications addressing accessibility or other upgrades for classrooms, outdoor areas, and more. Previous capital projects have ranged from outdoor sensory paths to new keycard security systems to adding multiple classrooms and bathrooms at a center.
Additional Resources
How to apply for a Capital grant
The applications for fiscal year 2024 capital opportunities are currently closed.