Emergency Amendments
None at this time.
Current Regulations
760 CMR 4 - General Administration of Local Housing Authorities
760 CMR 5 - Eligibility and Selection Criteria
760 CMR 6 - Occupancy Standards and Tenant Participation for State-Aided Housing, see Appendices to 760 CMR 6
760 CMR 8 - Privacy and Confidentiality
760 CMR 11 - Modernization and Development of State-Aided Public Housing
760 CMR 12 - Urban Renewal Regulations
760 CMR 13 - Commercial Area Revitalization District (CARD) Plans
760 CMR 14 - Lead Paint Abatement Loan Program
760 CMR 15 - Pilot Program to Enable Households in State-Aided Public Housing to Transition to Unsubsidized Private Housing Options
760 CMR 18 - Massachusetts Capital Improvement and Preservation Fund
760 CMR 19 - Facilities Consolidation Fund Program
760 CMR 20 - Homeownership Program
760 CMR 21 - Tax Exempt Local Loans to Encourage Rental Housing - Teller Program
760 CMR 23 - Housing Innovations Fund
760 CMR 24 - Massachusetts Housing Stabilization Fund
760 CMR 25 - Securing Approval of Projects under MGL c. 121A in Cities and Towns Outside of Boston
760 CMR 27 - Relocation Assistance
760 CMR 29 - Community Services Block Grant Program
760 CMR 30 - This regulation has been superseded by 760 CMR 56
760 CMR 31 - This regulation has been superseded by 760 CMR 56
760 CMR 34 - Participation of Non-Profit Corporations in the Chapter 705 Family Housing Program
760 CMR 38 - Department of Mental Health Rental Subsidy Program
760 CMR 45 - This regulation has been superseded by 760 CMR 56
760 CMR 47 - Non-discrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Furtherance of Fair Housing Regulations Governing Recipients of Department of Housing and Community Development Financial Assistance
760 CMR 49 - Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program
760 CMR 53 - Alternative Housing Voucher Program
760 CMR 54 - Massachusetts Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
760 CMR 55 - Housing Production and Replacement Program
760 CMR 56 - Comprehensive Permit; Low or Moderate Income Housing
760 CMR 58 - Urban Center Housing Tax Increment Financing Program
760 CMR 59 - Smart Growth Zoning Overlay District
760 CMR 60 - Community Based Housing Fund Program
760 CMR 61 - Data Collection for Government Assisted Housing in Massachusetts
760 CMR 62 - Commercial Area Transit Node Housing Program
760 CMR 63 - Public Housing Innovation Demonstration Program
760 CMR 64 - Publicly-Assisted Affordable Housing Preservation Program, Final Regulation effective 8/26/2016
760 CMR 65 - The Massachusetts Short-Term Housing Transition Program
760 CMR 66 - Housing Development Incentive Program
760 CMR 67 – Eligibility for Emergency Assistance (EA)
760 CMR 68 - Community Investment Grand and Tax Credit Program
Proposed Amendments to Regulations
The following is a list of notices, by date of publication, for proposed Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) regulations. Click on a link to view the corresponding notice and proposed red-line of the regulation.
All persons interested in submitting comments on the proposed regulations may do so as indicated by the date indicated in the notice. Refer to the full notice for the address for submitting comments. The Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) is not required to respond to comments; however, all comments received by the date indicated in the notice will be reviewed and considered.
The date published is the date the notice appeared in the newspaper and marks the beginning of the 21-day public-comment period, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, § 3.
Contact for EOHLC Regulations - Current Regulations and Proposed Amendments
Please listen for phone menu options for EOHLC divisions
Kevin Connor, press secretary