MassGIS Data: 2000 U.S. Census Blocks

April 2003

These layers depict the Census 2000 Blocks boundaries.

Table of Contents


.zip file containing:
 statewide ESRI Shapefile (census2000blocks_poly.* | census2000blocks_poly_orig.*)


The polygon attributes (census2000blocks_poly.dbf and census2000blocks_poly_orig.dbf) for the Census 2000 Blocks shapefiles distributed by MassGIS contain the following items:

AREAN / 20Area of polygon(s) in square meters.
PERIMETERN / 20Perimeter of polygon(s) in meters.
STATEC / 2State ID Code (Massachusetts = 25)
COUNTYC / 3County code (FIPS-ID without “25”)
TRACTC / 6Census 2000 Tract Code
BLOCKGROUPC / 1Census 2000 Blockgroup Code
BLOCKC / 4Census 2000 Block Code
BLK_IDC / 20Unique Block ID value
BG_IDC / 20Unique Blockgroup ID value
CT_IDC / 20Unique Census Tract ID value
LOGRECNOC / 7Common field to join/link to related attribute tables
REPDISTNUMN / 3District Code
SENDISTNUMN / 2District Code
CD108N / 2District Code
TOWN_IDN / 3Town ID Code
POP_2000N / 6Census 2000 Population Value (from SF1)
DRY_PCTN / 6Percentage of non-water area for the block
DRY_ACRESN / 6Non-water area, in Acres
DRY_SQMIN / 6Non-water area, in Square Miles
DRY_SQKMN / 6Non-water area, in Square Kilometers
** - For the most accurate display of population density by Block, normalize POP_2000 by any of the last three items.  

Related demographics tables

The following table, available in dBase format (.dbf), which provides detailed demographics information, may be joined to the Blocks shapefiles on the LOGRECNO item. See the Field Descriptions page for details.

Lists how many members of each gender fall within incremental age categories. Download (includes field description Excel file)

More tables storing demographics data that may be joined to the Blocks shapefiles will be forthcoming. In addition, the REPDISTNUM, SENDISTNUM, and CD108 items may be used to join these tables to the , , and district layers, respectively.


MassGIS updated the two versions of the Blocks layer in April 2003: a small number of polygons had miscodings in some of the MassGIS-added fields (TOWN_ID, REPDISTNUM, and SENDISTNUM). Additionally, the "DRY" fields were added to these layers.

Other 2000 U.S. Census metadata

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