Ordering influenza vaccine

Purchasing vaccines and vaccine availability

Table of Contents

Providers wishing to order flu vaccine for private purchase

The National Influenza Vaccine Availability Tracking System (IVATS) assists providers wishing to privately purchase flu vaccine. IVATS identifies available doses of influenza vaccine by formulation and distributor/vendor throughout the season.

Location of flu and adult vaccination services

Flu vaccination clinics are listed on vaccinefinder.org and promoted by the Massachusetts Health Officers Association (MHOA). MDPH urges agencies to post their clinics on this website. Many boards of health (BOHs) may have clinics that make flu and other vaccines available to both adults and children. BOHs can be contacted individually for questions about possible flu vaccination clinics in Massachusetts municipalities, including the age groups served.

State-supplied Influenza Vaccine Formulation Table

Massachusetts State-Supplied Influenza Vaccine: MDPH created a table outlining the current state-supplied influenza formulations to ensure providers use the age-appropriate formulation and dose for each patient.

Seasonal influenza vaccine prices

For specific information on seasonal influenza vaccine pricing, visit the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Seasonal Influenza Vaccines Pricing page.

Visit MDPH’s Healthcare Quality website for information on regulations, requirements, and reimbursements.

For more information on Medicare and Medicaid services, visit the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services Medical Learning Network.

If you have questions regarding pricing and reimbursement under Medicare Part B, including pneumococcal vaccines, please call the Medicare Call Center at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). Regulation [105 CMR 150.002(D)[8)] requires LTC facilities and 105 CMR 158.030(L)(8) require adult day health programs to provide information about the risks and benefits of flu vaccine and flu vaccine at no cost to all personnel.

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