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- This page, Groundwater, Wellhead Protection, and Surface Water Supplies, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Groundwater, Wellhead Protection, and Surface Water Supplies
Table of Contents
Model Ordinances, Bylaws and Regulations
Groundwater and Wellhead Protection
This Model Conservation Restriction (CR) is designed to assist public water suppliers and municipalities in protecting land located in Zones I, II, III or Interim Wellhead Protection Areas (IWPA) of public drinking water wells.
This document is designed to assist public water suppliers in controlling the Zone I of their public well.
How residents can help keep the water supply clean.
Surface Water Supplies
This Model Conservation Restriction (CR) is designed to assist public water suppliers and municipalities in protecting land located in Zones A, B and C of surface waters used for public drinking water.
This report summarizes MassDEP's surface water quality sampling effort after mosquito control aerial spray events in August and September, 2019. The effort was conducted in response to MDPH's issuance of a "Certification of Public Health Hazard that requires Pesticide Application to Protect Public Health."
This report summarizes MassDEP's surface water quality sampling effort after mosquito control aerial spray events in August, 2020. The effort was conducted in response to MDPH's issuance of a "Certification of Public Health Hazard that requires Pesticide Application to Protect Public Health."
Forms, Checklists and Templates
Additional Resources
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